Window Guards for Stalls

Where can I find these?? Too many stories of horses getting a leg hung after bucking in the stall. I’m having a hard time locating. I’m looking for the ones that simply raise the height of the window and still allow the horse to put its head out. Thanks!

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I am not sure what you mean by something that will just raise the height of the window.

I would think that since stall windows are likely not some universal size that a window guard would have to be custom made. Search for a good welder in your area.

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Do you mean like a yoke?
Stall Door Grill - Fixed Open Yoke — Barn Depot

Window Yoke

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I’m not clear on the question: do you mean a top door for a swinging stall door or do you mean a window guard?

I’ve seen people use stall chains or regular stall guards for this purpose. Maybe just look for one of the solid fabric stall guards and use that.