Winning photos w/ the TALL curtains, real or photoshop?

Someone on my FB posted a picture of their child winning at Congress in front of a TALL curtain or looks to be a very tall curtain. Since I don’t show western, I asked the friend but she said she wasn’t paying attention and didn’t recall. I’ve always been curious.

Does anyone know if the photo area with the tall curtains where friends & family line up with the winner is really that tall or is it photoshopped? My guess is photoshop since the lines at the top are way too straight, but I have no clue.

They are real.


The curtains and flowers at the base are real. Awards are photoshopped in.

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Congress curtains are that tall!

The curtains are usually real and most of the time, the awards are too.


I’ve never been handed a fake award, only real ones. Name plates might need to be added, but I have always been handed the actual award.


The curtains really are that tall. Usually only the jackets (and sometimes saddles) are photoshopped in.

Sometimes in the pictures, they photoshop in the awards. Especially if there are numerous ones. Jackets are photoshopped in also.

The curtains are hung on the same type of frame used for a large event tent, so they can be quite tall depending on the event and the venue.

Boy, am I getting old. :lol: They photoshop awards and jackets now?!? What I really want to know is can they take off 25 pounds while they’re at it?

They won the awards, but they are added into the pictures some times. Easier to do then trying to get jackets to stand straight.

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Oh, I believe they won the awards. No worries there. I just marvel at how technology is used these days for stuff that I’d not considered. Just makes me feel a little old. lol

I’ve asked about being made skinnier - so far the answer is no. lol

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They also photoshop in the sign on the curtains. The curtains are just blank. At world we did bring trophies but the jackets and the signs are photoshopped in

might just photoshop the horse into the arena as well, but I came from the days when silver trophies were real