I have a mare heavy in foal (they said should birth in 30 days) coming from Missouri to Massachusetts this week. She is at an auction so arrangements needed to be made quickly to get her to safety… I have a few questions as I’m concerned about her foaling here in winter.
Blanketing: I was planning on blanketing her when she got here as our nights are in the single digits. Where she is now the lows are 20-30 degrees and she doesn’t look to have a winter coat.
Do I blanket and remove when she’s in labor? Or leave on?
If I remove leg straps can she stay blanketed with the foal?
Should I blanket the foal once dry, or too dangerous with a newborn?
I’m planning to lock her in the stall with a heat lamp above until foal is dry, but it is not a very warm barn and other horses won’t be too close as we are quarantining.
How does everyone turn out if they have a winter foal?
She has an attached run out that is about 15’x30’ but the ground will be frozen or snow.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. This is a first for a winter foal! And since she has been in a warmer climate I’m assuming the foal won’t be born with much coat.
Thank you!