I need to purchase a winter turn out blanket for my 2 year old. Generally I just buy Tough 1 blankets but thought I would see if anyone prefers another brand similarly priced?
In that price point, I bought a Jeffers Economy Turnout Blanket for my growing baby horse last season:
I was pleasantly surprised by the quality and fit for the price. I’m kind of bummed she’s outgrown it. I’d buy her another but they don’t have her current size.
If you have a brand that fits your horse right and you like the features, I say go for that brand.
I have had good luck with the SmartPak Ultimate, but I know some people do not like how they fit in the shoulder (and they are quite a bit more expensive than your current price point).
I had great luck with the Saxon blankets for my 2 year old. Inexpensive, the water proofing held up in great for our PNW weather, and the drop wasn’t so long that he was wearing a dress. The pic is a sheet, but he had the same thing in a blanket.
600D blankets don’t hold up very well. 1200 is much better.
This really depends on the horse.
Some horses are very careful with their clothes and do not destroy them and do not let their pasture friends destroy them either.
Others are like my herd, and I have to buy the heavier construction blankets or they will get ripped.
Also a huge fan of the SmartPak blankets that have the 10-year warranty. My horses are generally gentle on them, but when the occasional strap brakes or one loses its waterproofing it’s nice to just be able to call and get a new one or a replacement part. For a 2yo that might be destructive, I would vote for those even if it is a bit pricier than what you planned on paying.
I like Schneider’s (sstack.com) quite a bit. They have a large variety, cover most cost points, and fit almost any shape horse. Big Dee’s (bigdweb.com) is also a great place to find decent blankets at a good price.
Would say that if Tough One blankets work well not necessarily any need to change.
Schneiders does have a wide variety of styles and durability though. And they run some good sales. Overall I’ve liked most of their blankets. Some of the Velcro in the front seems to lose its stick but that’s the main problem I’ve had.
Agreed! They are the only brand I’ve found that both scales the drop length to the blanket size (in no world should a size 66 blanket have the same drop length as an 80, yet that seems to be standard in other brands) and is durable enough to be worth the money. I do hate the Velcro under the chest buckles, though, and wish they’d go back to offering closed-front versions in all their styles.