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Woodbrook Hunt Club-anyone from there?

I just learned there is a hunt within traveling distance and I am so excited!!! Is anyone on these boards part of the hunt? I have questions!

If you are a Facebooker, the Fox-unters on Facebook group is a fantastic place to network with fellow foxhunters. :slight_smile:

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I’m hoping to participate with the wood room hunt some this year. I have several horsey friends who hunt with them.

I am trying to find out if they have hunt horses for hire. I sold my trailer when I retired my horse but now he is unretired but I am not sure I want to trailer that far.

If you contact the hunt directly, they can answer a lot of your questions. They have a FB page and a website. I’ve always wished it were closer (3 hour haul) as I’d like to to a hunter pace or try 2nd flight one day. Hope you get out there!

I would go just to see the native preserved prairie they hunt over. Land preservation and conservation is such a valuable benefit of foxhunting.

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Willesdon- they hunt on military land (JBLM) which makes for some interesting times, as the fixture can change quickly, depending on what the Army is up to that day. (or so I’ve read, as I’ve not had the pleasure of hunting with them…someday!!). It is pretty neat that because so much land is under the base’s control that it has been preserved and remains protected.

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You might try Woodbrook Stables and Event center on facebook and see if you can connect on lease horses.