A) how is this still happening?!?!?!
B) I confess, I have not had any Chipotle since the start of this thread. My most recent ex loved it and I despise him.
C) I’m pretty upset that there are NO PONY PICTURES. All of you pony owners need to start sharing the cuteness.
D) I am partial to any and all ponies. Fat, ugly, hairy ones hold a special place in my hear though.[/QUOTE]
A) This is a COTH trainwreck at its finest and some of us can’t amuse ourselves very easily.
B) I also have had neither Chipotle or guacamole in forever. THERE IS NO CHIPOTLE IN THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA. Although the state capitol, Pierre (population around 15,000) has a good Mexican restaurant called Guadalajara and a Taco John’s!
C) https://fbcdn-photos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-0/11162189_10155510272600038_4863259086393766813_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoibCJ9&oh=fc737c79b98495e4c6842f41f283ca1f&oe=55CF0BE4&gda=1436444081_e5361d849a492ddcdea0dca4ae11f8a3
D) My favorite pony is the chubby mudball cowpony pictured above having a pony Valegro moment. Tonight he was good enough to earn his guacamole.