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worming double doses and multiple products safety?

I got a new mare as a rescue who has all the symptoms of Neck Threadworms. Double dosing with ivermectin is one of the recommended routes to takebut I am worried about stronglyes and other ones that may create an issue and need Quest or pancur 5 day. So, my question is how do I worm her? Do a quest then start the double doses of ivermectin like 5 days after or what? I have to do a double first, day 7 and then I believe a single at day 14. Correct me if you have experience with this and I am wrong. Thank you!

If possible, start with a FEC. If that’s sky high, then do a single dose of Panacur/SAfeguard, then in 2 weeks use Equimax.

THEN after a couple of weeks see what the horse is doing.

If you feel very strongly it’s a NTW issue, then the protocol is generally a double dose of Equimax every 2 weeks for 2-3 treatments.

What symptoms does she have? Not every NTW symptom is about NTWs :slight_smile:

She is scratching her head and neck like mad. Creating more bald spots and sores. Her neck is bumpy and has a few knot like bumps that are decent size. She also is very"tender" to the touch unless helping her vigorous scratching which she will shove you into anything to do including the ground and I am not small. She also has rain rot I am treating that is also shown her legs as scratches or a response of these worms. Trying to decide if bathing her with something would be beneficial to. inflammation is also a problem. Her discomfort is creating behavior problems which I don’t blame her for. Want to get her healed up and on her feet as quickly as possible.