Would it be weird to ask my trainer if I can watch her ride/teach?

As I mentioned in previous posts, I am injured and not allowed back on a horse for another year and a half. Before I was hurt the final time, I had worked my way up to riding with a respected rider/ trainer who only took on 3 students at a time. It’s been 7 months since I had to quit riding and I haven’t really been in touch with anyone at my barn or my trainer.

I really want to continue learning even if I can’t ride. Do you think it would be awkward or a bad idea to ask my last trainer if I can come and observe her training? Kind of like auditing a clinic? Is this ever done? I’m trying to think of ways I can stay involved :confused:

It never hurts to ask!

I don’t think it’s weird to ask. I used to watch people getting lessons all the time at my old barn (don’t now because I’m one of very few who actually get lessons).

As long as neither the trainer or the student minds, I’d say go for it. :slight_smile:

I always allow this. Dont be afraid to ask.

I would definitely ask, I don’t see why it would be a problem! All of the trainers I’ve had thoroughly enjoy having their students observing/watching lessons and will occasionally ask questions like “what would have been a better option” or “what did the rider do that was fantastic?” or different things like that.

Watching lessons & our trainer riding is standard fare at our barn. Most of us watch at least one or two lessons every time we are there, even if we are there daily.

I guess most places I would ask student & instructor, but at our place it is kind of the culture. All students are also well known to each other, get along, it isn’t a large clientele, etc etc.

Its been standard at every barn I’ve been at. Pretty common to watch a trainer work horses as well. I have never even considered asking to watch.

Be prepared if they say no. When I was much younger, I asked one of my coaches about coming out and watching the trainer school one of our jumpers. Her vehement “No” caught me totally by surprise.

Instructor shouldn’t mind but please clear it with the student. Some students prefer it lessons to be private.

I agree.

I think it would be fine if it is a group lesson. If it’s a private lesson, it does intrude on the student unless you are paying for part of their lesson (much like an audit fee for a clinic).

If someone schedules and pays for a private lesson, why should someone else benefit from the training? Of course, this assumes you are a total stranger to the student and not a barn friend.

Also, some students do better without an audience to make them nervous.

Asking the student may put her on the spot. I would probably have the trainer ask the student so she/he can think about it and not feel she has to reply to you directly when you ask.

On the other hand, it sounds like a good idea to keep you progressing and learning.

I see both sides to this one. I guess that’s not too helpful…

Go find a saddleseat barn; there is almost always room in the peanut gallery for one more. Lessons + a free fireworks show :wink: - What more could you want on a Saturday?

Another vote for “it can’t hurt to ask”. Especially since you sound like a nice respectful person.

I do remember years ago being part of a group of adult “re-riders”, all of whom had to endure a “peanut gallery” of disrespectful snotty/snobby youngsters pointing, commenting, & giggling at us older “inferiors” during our lesson. While we took them for what they were - & not seriously at that - it was annoying & distracting.