WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

I am silent bc I don’t [edit] what you do. Stop putting words in everybody’s mouths [edit].


Here’s an inconsistency for ya. How about when LK was speculating…nay INSISTING… that one of the posters here was a barn manager. Did you report her as well? Did you cry foul when it was your darling who was doing it?


I submitted the question to the mods, and am happy to wait for their reply.

I didn’t understand that speculating on identities was verboten, as so many people were constantly speculating on my identity, and even the people who were not actively speculating made no objection to the speculation. The mod would come on and say “you can quit speculating” but did not seem outraged.

I only got an indication that it violated a rule or social norm, if it does, when people got on my case for suggesting I might speculate on Eggbutt. So, no, I was not aware it was a rule violation however far back Lauren speculated about a barn manager. How can I call her out on it if I didn’t know it was a rule violation at the time?

I did not cry foul on her because I had no idea it was a rule violation at the time. I still don’t know if was a rule violation.

I don’t appreciate being called a moron.

What do y’all get out of this?


Mostly grief and aggravation.

An even greater appreciation for Dr. Fauci’s stress level. I am waiting for someone in particular to remark upon his height.


OMG…many pages later it is still happening? Has anything new been added? If not y’all are tenacious!


yet here you are!


DoN’T yOu KnOw? ThAt’S ViCtIm BLaMiNg. /s
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

The thing that probably chaps a lot of people about this whole situation is LK’s incredibly entitled attitude to the whole situation. No one deserves to have everything go their way, and doubling down on “my way or the highway” usually ends badly.

if you turn the other cheek and back off, you can disarm many situations.


I live that YD makes claims she doesn’t substantiate, but then refuses to believe info about LK with ample substantiation.
YD made some claim pages and pages ago that I had … I can’t even remember. But then had no support for it

That’s not how it works.
That’s not how any of this works, sweetheart.


If you can’t give a specific example of a post of mine you claim has an unsubstantiated claim, your post is an unsubstantiated claim. Excellent example of what you falsely accuse me of doing, @Angela_Freda.


Disclaimer: Yes, this is an alter. No way would I engage with this group under my normal screen name. I am not YD, YD’s friend, LK, any associate of LK, MB, etc. I know none of the participants here in real life or on SM.

I can’t follow this thread any longer without saying something. This is one of the worst examples of a ‘mean girls’ clique I have seen on the forums. I get that not everyone likes or agrees with YD. I don’t necessarily agree with many of the posts either. But the self-congratulatory, ‘aren’t we clever’, and ‘how dare you question a long time member’ posts just make YD’s opponents look petty.

You all as question why LK won’t stop posting on SM, and here you are telling each other to ignore YD and then responding to everything YD writes. So why can’t you all figure out how to stop posting on this thread? You cooked up with derogatory nicknames and references to YD and then pat yourselves on the back for being clever. (It’s really not.)

And, thanks, but I don’t need a condescending explanation on how the forums work, why you post recipes, the blue saddle, crayons or Willem. Because I’m sure someone will respond to this telling me how wrong I am and why YD is not allowed to oppose long time members.

Someone just posted that their generation was raised with the concept that you do stupid sh** and you get what you deserve. Well, MB did stupid sh** too - you can choose whether that was taking LK on as a client or allegedly shooting her but I guess he gets what he deserves as well. As I have just taken the stupid step of posting this I’ll wait for the hate to roll in.


There’s sort of a fine line here. It’s not an overt violation to speculate on someone’s ID, but we don’t allow users to out other posters’ personal information. It IS distracting to a thread and generally counterproductive to spend pages going back and forth musing about another poster’s identity, so we’ll typically come in an clarify when people seem to be way off base and ask that they get back on track and knock it off. Nobody has to ID themselves on the site, and you shouldn’t be pressured to do so.

In this case, we’re also getting into inappropriate language and other bickering, so we’re also going to close this thread.


Everyone knows where I am. I’m not a difficult person to locate. Anyone who believes they have compelling evidence which would outweigh mine, should & can file an interpersonal summons against me & im sure a magistrate (who is neither a lawyer or judge) will issue it. Evidence is nice. It works BOTH ways. Summons. Counter summons. One court date for both! Bring it.

I’m positive you are in the “minority,” of that thinking. Problem is, your friends group is quite small. You wouldn’t know who the “majority,” is if they all stumbled upon your not so “rarefied,” farm looking for directions on how to reach civilization.

You knew and continue to know nothing about this case. MB did not call you. JH did not cal you. Wait. Are you suggesting someone DID??? Bc… I would have to insist you be called as a witness. Though, I believe you know by now I have done that. Imagine that: called as a witness under oath FOR the prosecution!!! Now, THAT’s a Twist! And more are coming!

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I’m unsure of how to properly reach @moderator. Has this topic been re-opened? If so, could I be pointed in the direction of any new “news,” or “court hearings,” which were required to re-open this topic? I may have missed them. Thank you.

How does it work? Explain it to us. After all, you have been posting here since the dawn of western civilization- so, you should definitely know “how it works,” sweetheart.

Maybe the thread was inadvertently re-opened during the switch to the new format.

No one has posted on this thread in the last 11 months. The last post was in March of 2020 until you just bumped it. Everything was quiet as I assume there are no updates?

I’m not entirely sure why you bumped a thread that has been dead for almost a year or how the thread is open.

So I think this thread should be closed then @Moderator_1 nothing new to see here.


The thread was silent (and closed) for months. Someone had to hunt for it and then submit a post. Why bother?