WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

I could not be less shocked that LK is a liar.

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I literally could not be less surprised that LK has been lying out her ass.


The only surprise to me is that the attorney would say so much publicly, especially since they are asking for a jury trial.


He is supposed to be a master in this type of case so I would think he knows what he is doing. My question is why was Kirby Kanarek listening outside the door? How did she even know about it?


I read it as the journalist was interviewing the attorney in the hallway and the woman was in the hall as well.

Jeeze, 19,000 pages of social media.:eek:


It is an interesting strategy. Perhaps showboating in hopes charges are dropped or lessened?
Maybe these magical tapes which no one except her sycophants have heard will be the nail in her coffin?

*I am going to go ahead and inform everyone I had back surgery three weeks ago and I’m still quite medicated. If I start posting nonsensical words just throw water at me and tell me to go to bed.

**ETA for those of you who don’t seem to comprehend: I am asking you to excuse me if I post something that is not a word or is horribly misspelled. I am not saying I will delete former posts that may have been just too cruel for someone’s fragile ego and claim the drugs made me do it.


Oh this is just beautiful. (I mean, not that she got shot. I’m going to go ahead and say it again: he shouldn’t have shot her)
Looks like the real LK is being revealed . Wonder how her supposed TWO BNTs in Wellington are feeling right now. (Let’s be real, they probably only exist in her head.)


   I understand the moderators required “new developments” in the case to reopen discussion on Barisone/Kanarek. 

    As far as “new developments”, the article states that Barisone has not been offered a plea deal, and the defense attorney wants to delay the trial (yawn), citing lots of material in discovery.  The fact that Barisone has not been offered a plea deal is actually the absence of a new development; defense attorneys almost always want to delay. 

    So what in the article did you regard as “new developments”?

How about all the discovery? How about his mention of the illegal recordings? 19,000 pages of evidence from LK’s social media alone! Holy cow!!! The mention of LK and RG contacting SS? The mention that the CPS accusations were unfounded? The thought the attorney expects an acquittal (or did I misread that)? Gosh, all that sounds new to me!!


I suggest you don’t rely on other people to police your postings. If you are heavily medicated to the extent you post “nonsensical words” it would behoove you to not post until you are yourself again. Your words do live on, on the internet…


You find a report that a high priced defense attorney states that he expects his client to be found “not guilty” as “news”? Really? REALLY? Even an incompetent defense attorney would know enough to say he expects his clients to be acquitted.

We’ve known forever about the recordings. Said to be illegal/inadmissible by the defense, because the defense doesn’t want them admitted, duh. We’ve known forever that LK contacted SafeSport. We’ve known forever that CPS declined to intervene after its visit.

So no, I don’t see anything new here.


None of us would expect you to see anything new here. Please tell us something we don’t know.


100% agree. If you’re too medicated to take responsibility for what you write, don’t post. It’s obnoxious to give yourself a license to post irresponsibly, then say “well, I’m on drugs, so don’t hold me responsible for what I say”.

Also, it is difficult to throw water on someone via the cyber sphere.


Um, there was a NEW court appearance. NEW. A lot of new info in both the Chronicle report and the OP-posted report. Doesn’t matter if it’s expected info. It’s still a NEW development. If you don’t think it’s new, you can ignore this thread.


“None of us”? You are speaking on behalf of yourself and who else?


Those of us who have seen your posts and understand what you are all about. Before you decide there is some huge plot against you, there is not.

But this is not a forum of stupid people. We are not blind. You go right ahead and knock yourself out! Bless your heart!


Yet here you are commenting on it. Obviously it interests you. And since the Chronicle of the Horse saw fit to do an article after the newest trial I would guess that they felt it was newsworthy.


OK, you’re right. There was a new court appearance, in which it transpired that the defense attorney stated that he expects his client to be acquitted, and intends to ask for a delay of the trial. So what transpired in the court appearance was pretty much what you’d expect.

I suppose it is something of a development to learn definitively that no plea deal has been offered, and that the judge doesn’t think the CPS declining to intervene is admissible. After the introductory “WOW” of OP, I was expecting something more explosive in the articles, and didn’t see much new.