WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

So what am I “all about”?

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Not gonna play! Toddle along and have a great evening!


Read the interview again YD. The judge initially said the CPS issue was inadmissible until Belankis offer more info and the judge reversed his thoughts.

Seems you missed the point of the article that indicates LK is not the innocent victim she’s always claimed to be. (Insert disclaimer that no one deserves to be shot). Obviously we now know “others” have reported HER to SS, MB had an investigator involved BEFORE the shooting, LK’s volatile social media looks like it all WILL be allowed and they are only partially through the data obtained from her and RG’s phones, computers, audio files, etc.

I am still fascinated at your very quick defense of LK and thinly veiled attempt to say there is no there there regarding this article. I don’t think you are Lauren, but you sure are very close to her as far as passionate defense.


One new statement (I won’t call it a fact until SS confirms it) is that MB’s attorney claim that MB called SS on LK. That is definitely new.


SS won’t confirm or deny it, but for sure we’ll know from the trial. Belankis wouldn’t have said it if it weren’t fact I wouldn’t think. I understand the journalist who interviewed Belankis is highly respected and trusted to be unbiased and factual. At least it appears this article isn’t full of errors like previous articles have been in other publications.


Not quite. he said that could be shown by “other means”.


Oh man. I’d been enjoying the several week break of obsessively checking the dressage forum.


Does a siren go off in your living room any time this case is mentioned? Asking for a friend.


So Barisone had hired a private investigator to check into Kanarek? Interesting. Also the bit about at least one of the illegal recordings be with Barisone and his attorney, which then Kanarek posts on facebook, did I read that right? Woo, just the volume of social media posts is overwhelming. I think it’s odd that the judge isn’t allowing the children’s services info. I think that is absolutely relevant (but they didn’t ask me :smiley: ) This sounds like new stuff to me!


The judge said that if the defense had other evidence of untrue accusations by LK, he would consider those. He did not explicitly reverse on the CPS declining to intervene.

There have been, by now, at least four extensive threads saying in the strongest possible terms that LK is not an “innocent victim”. So yes, the article touches again on the old themes of she was being evicted, he felt harassed, he felt in danger, she allegedly called CPS, etc, etc.

I said I didn’t see all that much new that would have warranted a “WOW”. New information to me: there has not been a plea deal offered, the judge considers the CPS clearing Barisone of child abuse inadmissible, the defense lawyer asserts that Barisone complained to SafeSport.

The defense lawyer wants the trial postponed because he says he needs to process 19,000 pages of social media stuff. That doesn’t imply, to me, that 19,000 pages of social media stuff will be admitted into evidence.


Then you are free to simply move along to another thread that is more interesting


Honestly, without trying to be really snarky, I don’t think many on this forum care what you’re thinking based on the responses to you so far. As @BigMama1 just said, you are free to move along.


I was merely responding to a post of YOURS which was specifically addressed to me, which started with the command “Read the article again, YD.” I did read it again, as requested, ordered, by you, and disagree with your interpretation. Feel free to disagree back, or decline to respond.

Someone else made the same point that the judge did not reverse his inadmissability decision on the CPS issue.


Uncle already. I’ll concede the last word to you. I don’t think you can help yourself, can you?


Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!


Thank you for the update eggbutt. It sounds far more reasonable than other episodes have been. And telling. Very telling.


All the information we thought we knew before now was primarily from a VERY verbose but dubious source (LaLaPop) or vague, poorly written, biased news sources.

ETA, or were postulated theories created to fill gaps, some of which appear to have come close to the mark.

So no, much of this we certainly did not “know”.
Until now.


PLEASE let’s not make this all about YankeeDuchess…I’m a Yankee and we really don’t have a lot of Duchesses so just ignore her! :smiley:


@cutter99 You can add me to the us. I totally agree with your post.


I would guess that COTH likes the fact that we have a new thread linking to their new article. More hits on their article is a good thing for them.