WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

I found that interesting as well. And honestly you all, if you simply stop responding to YD and scroll past those posts, this might be more enjoyable.


Yes, ditto me on this comment. I know it’s hard sometimes, but it will improve the flow.


Originally posted by Tarlo Farm View Post

I found that interesting as well. And honestly you all, if you simply stop responding to YD and scroll past those posts, this might be more enjoyable.

I second this. YD was really annoying on the last thread and ignoring her might be the best answer.


It appears @La-LaPopRider has finally been silenced on SM with the revelation of 19,000 (so far!!!) pages of SM taunts and threats. (Think about that number! That’s 38 reams of printer paper so far!!!) I think that’s a great thing for us and her mental health that she’s decided to find other outlets to release her angst. I don’t follow her anywhere but she apparently stopped posting anything derogatory several weeks ago, probably when she learned what Bilankas has.

To any legal professionals, is it unusual that at this point, with all the evidence from both sides, that a deal has not been offered by the prosecution? Does LK actually have the final say in any deal that could be offered? I think if I were MB, I would risk a trial by jury rather than taking a deal, particularly with the information of this first wave of proof LK harassed others, illegally recorded others, and lied. (No one deserves to be shot.)


Just as a layman, I would think that if one or both sides are still in discovery phase, then it’d be premature to discuss pleas.
One thing, duchesses do not wear tiaras. They wear coronets, which is a closed circle. Just my own “discovery”.


I am not a criminal attorney, nor do I play one on TV, but, from what I know about discovery (in civil cases), it’s early days for a plea deal. Until the facts are pretty well known, nobody will give on their stance. LK shouldn’t have any say in a plea deal as, in a criminal prosecution, the plaintiff is the state. As has been pointed out, he could be found not guilty in the criminal case, yet found to be liable under the civil case(s) that LK has filed. Or any other combination.


“first wave of proof that 
 illegally recorded others” is what Eggbutt takes from a news article in which the defense attorney is quoted as saying that LK and RG made ‘secret recordings’ without the permission of those being recorded.

Recording others without their permission is sometimes legal, sometimes illegal, sometimes admissible on a court case, sometimes not admissible.

If the article had provided information on whether the tapes had been ruled admissible or not, or if LK had been charged with a crime, that would have been WOW news.

Do we know anything new about the tapes? Has anyone other than Eggbutt, a judge for example, ruled them “illegal” or “inadmissable”? Even the defense attorney did not describe them as “illegal”, he described them as “recorded without permission”. Didn’t we learn in previous threads that recording without permission is legal in a setting in which there was no reasonable expectation of privacy?

No matter, Eggbutt has grandly swept aside all these trifling and pesky distinctions that judges take so seriously, and informed us that the article gives us “proof” of “illegal recordings”.

The man’s name is Bilinkas.

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It appears all posts, since the shooting, have been removed from LK’s Facebook. I didn’t know you could do that.


I am not a criminal attorney either, but when Epstein was offered a preposterously generous plea deal in 2008 on his sex trafficking charges, none of the victims were informed, and the fact that they were not informed is part of the scandal. By law, the victims were required to be informed, and perhaps offered a chance to protest.

So as a non criminal lawyer, it seems to me that victim’s rights considerations would suggestion that LK would be informed of any plea offers before being made. I highly doubt she would have a “final say”.

The fact that the judge inquired of the prosecutor as to whether a plea had been offered suggests that it is not unheard of for a plea to be made at this stage. Otherwise, why even ask?

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Can you imagine all the crazies that SafeSport has to deal with? It’s probably similar to Child Protective Services and a lot of the complaints are made up or exaggerated because of drama or trying to cause problems for someone.


Oh absolutely! All you have to do is go to your profile and click on manage posts. You can select list view, but grid view is very easy and will cluster everything together (shared posts, photos, typed posts, etc) and you check the little box on everything you want gone and delete. It is incredibly easy and quick, on a desktop at least, to remove posts you made or that others made.


Maybe. Or maybe she just made her entire feed private/friends only. We’d need someone who is her friend on Facebook to verify this.


Epstein was accused in New York. This case is in NJ. I know the law in neither state. But they differ, I am sure. The question posed was whether LK would have a say. I answered that to the best of my ability.

I did NOT say a plea bargain at this stage is unheard of. I said it was early days. And, the judge asked because he needs to know.


Thread just started and not even at the bottom of page 1 and already arguing over semantics and posting police in full force.

If we want to discuss this case can we all please not read posts and dissect every single word and try to make meaning out of it that isn’t there. Why are you here if you actually don’t want to discuss the case but just discuss each other.

Yes I realize this post is hypocritical but It’s really really annoying to have to scroll through 50 posts of back and forth about absolute nothing!!


The Epstein plea deal was in Miami. He just had charg rd in New York at his death.


The 2008 cushy plea deal was in Florida. He could no longer be prosecuted in Florida because of the plea deal in Florida.

I found the article interesting in that the focus seemed to be more on the case and less on the victim and how many times she was shot and how long she was in ICU.


Preach! I must take some blame for my nonsense “Beetlejuice!” post, too. The thread does have some interesting new content and lots of thoughtful discussion. Let’s choose not to be dragged into pedantry. That said, it’s a public BB and folks can post as they wish.


But we can all choose to ignore the pretender to royal lineage, who seems to be the source (this time) of the potential derailment.


I wonder if she removed all her posts from the Chronicle of the Horse FB page under the Barisone articles? She lit those posts up as well. That is very interesting. Someone got to her for sure and I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t some sort of legal persuasion to get her to calm down.

I sincerely hope she’s focusing on her riding and healing. It will help her life so much if she can.