wrist sprain home treatment?

I sprained my right wrist when we put up hay in September. I just got my MRI results, and nothing is torn. There’s just a bunch of inflammation. My main symptoms are weakness and numbness. I’m right handed, and my right hand is now weaker and more easily fatigued than my left.

I’m having a really hard time getting in for PT. So far, the earliest appointment I could get is November 20. I’m waiting to hear back from another place. With my work schedule, the fact that I’d have to get a ride, and the closest office is about an hour away…making it to an appointment would be really difficult. I do have a plan, but right now I’m thinking worst case scenario…what do I do if I can’t get in anywhere?

My official diagnosis is a wrist sprain with median neuritis. And compensating for the issue has given me a little carpal tunnel. My thumb, index and middle fingers are all rather weak…and my index finger is pretty numb. I can manage most things ok, but heavy stuff like feeding, putting out hay and hoof trimming is really difficult. I have a brace that works pretty well.

With the amount of work I do every day, my hand shouldn’t be as weak as it is.

My therapy order is for ultrasound, moist heat, cryotherapy and exercises. I can do hot/cold at home, and I still have all the exercises from previous hand surgeries. Can’t really do ultrasound at home…unless I could buy or rent an ultrasound unit from somewhere. Any one know if this is possible?

I’ve done a little research and it looks like TENS units are readily available. Would this be a good idea for this type of injury?

I’m hoping to hear back from this other PT office with an appointment soon…but I’d like to know if this is something I could take care of myself. Its really frustrating, since I need my right hand.

Wrist splint, and anti-inflammatories (ibuprofen which is Advil or Motrin, or naproxyn sodium, which is Aleve). I would not get a tens unit yet, not sure how much that will help. You can get splints at Walgreens or CVS. Anti-inflammatory dose should be higher than just for a headache; i.e. 400 gm ibu every 4-6 hours, or 2 Aleve tabs twice a day.

Ice is your friend, too. I’d be careful with the exercises but definitely start some. If you’ve done wrist pt before, search you tube for some reminders on the correct ways to do the exercises. Make sure you take a therapeutic dose of the NSAIDs.

I am not a dr or any kind of medical person, but what I used to do for my kids when they sprained something was 20 min ice bath (put ice/water in a bucket, submerge injured part for 20 min --or as long as you can stand it), then immediately plunge into water 100 degrees or as hot as you can stand it (112 degrees is generally where people feel pain) for 20 min. Repeat (ideally) 3-4 times a day. Keep hurt part immobilized between soakings, and raised above the heart (not always possible).

My ma (also not a dr or medical person) said it was the best thing for a sprain because it improved circulation which helped with healing.

It was a pretty quick working treatment --but I’m not sure it was because it worked or the kids just didn’t like doing it.

Check with a medical person first would be best.


Get a wrist brace with the metal brace in it. I had a slight sprain and wore that all day for a week and was much better.

If you can’t tolerate a wrist splint, sometimes Vetwrap helps. I have trouble with Vetwrap irritating my skin, but a thin layer of cotton, followed by Vetwrap, works well for me.

Thanks everyone.

I was able to get in for PT, but it did more harm than help. It was pushing things faster than my wrist could handle. I was only able to do 1 repetition of some isometric exercises. Then I was expected to do 15 reps with a 1lb weight. Which kind of wrecked things. So I had to stop PT.

The good news is, I found a couple things that have helped. One is a brace called a wrist widget. Then I had an appointment with the dr I’m seeing for Lyme treatment, and she suggested applying some essential oils in a carrier oil…since somehow that can help people with Lyme joint issues. I’m not sure which thing it is, but my wrist is a lot better today.

I trimmed hooves on one of my minis yesterday. This is the first trim since I got the wrist widget, and my wrist held up really well. I actually felt like I could trim another horse, rather than my hand being totally dead like it was when I used a couple other braces.