WTP Bit (Without extended tongue plate)

I’m looking for reviews and thoughts from people who have used a WTP bit (without the extended tongue plate. I have no interest in the one with the actual extended tongue plate, and I’m specifically looking at the eggbutt version.) I liked the idea that the bit wasn’t supposed to hinge upwards and cause roof mouth pain or pinch the center of the tongue, thus being a gentler bit overall. However, this bit seems to be a little on the expensive side, and its marketing is pretty hyped up, so I want real people who’ve had experience with it to tell me what they think, if its actually gentle, if their horse liked it, ect.


-Telling me a bit is only as gentle as the hands; I already know, thanks. I’m just looking for a bit that is more forgiving overall for when I make mistakes, or want to try contact, or when my horse does something unexpected so I don’t accidentally cause him pain.

-Asking why I don’t just use bitless, rubber bits, ect… I just want to find out more about this specific bit and how it works, and examine all the options before making a decision. Comparing the different bits to this one is fine, as long as the main focus stays on this bit.

-Telling me its not a wonder bit. I know. It won’t magically solve any problems; no equipment can. I’m not using it to solve problems. Only training really solves problems, I just want to decide what equipment I want to train my horse in.

Thanks y’all :slight_smile:

I had no idea what you were talking about, so had to google. For anyone else who doesn’t know what a WTP bit is, here’s the link:


Yelling at us with a long laundry list of things you don’t want in your thread is a bit of an off putting way to begin on this forum.

She’s probably been reading the forum for a long time and has seen how things go. Frankly, I find it rather efficient of her to weed out the things she already knows.

I apologise if it seemed like I was yelling, because that was not the intention. I just don’t want to hear everything I already know over and over again. I just want advice from someone who has direct experience with the bit, or understands its basic mechanics.

I have been reading on these forums for awhile, although my account is new, and I noticed the pattern of same advice in just about every thread about bits. I just thought my ‘laundry list’ was going to help everyone understand what I was looking for and keep people who don’t have any new information for me from wasting their time. It wasn’t meant to be offensive.

Lol, I guess not many people have even heard of this bit, let alone used it. I guess if I ever want to find out how or if it works like I want it to, I’ll just have to pay the hundred dollars and find out. Maybe if I wait until later, it’ll become more well known and I’ll be able to find some reviews on it

I may be able to help. The central flat link only lies flat on the tongue when there is no rein tension. When you take up the reins the mouthpiece will rotate clockwise (viewed from the left hand side) by around 35 degrees. The central link edge then lies at 35 degrees to the tongue. It will be a stable bit of course due to the design. We cover these topics here: http://www.nsbits.com/academy I am Director of Studies at the Academy. P.s. don’t worry about trying to avoid getting the vague advice you did right to highlight this.

Thank you! So basically, the bit will rotate some, which means it will still have some nutcracker action like a snaffle, just not as much?

Yes but note that the nutcracker action only means a closure onto the sides of the mouth - NOT the old idea of pushing the joint into the palate - That is incorrect thinking. Good luck!

Thank you!
I wish I could find one of these bits to borrow, and just move it around and rest it on my hands to get a better idea of it before I buy one.
Thanks again though, you were very helpful and I have a better picture of how it works in my mind now.