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Xc course walks

So I’ll admit that’s entirely possible that I’m overlooking this, but does anyone have any info about xc course walks? I’m familiar with KHP course so I have an idea of where I want to sit, however WEG is uncharted territory. Will spectators be allowed to view the course ahead of time? I’d like to figure out where we are sitting before hand so we can go straight there on Saturday. I already know that traffic is going to be a nightmare, I don’t want to add running around xc on top of that. Thanks!

The course is open to the public on the Friday, 10-15. I’m an assigned ‘course monitor’, stay behind the string please :winkgrin:


Hmm, how about the marathon course, do you know if that will be open for walking?

I don’t know about anything other than xc, sorry!

Here’s the course preview (sketches) from H&H - maybe it will help a bit? https://www.horseandhound.co.uk/features/world-equestrian-games-cross-country-course-302324

I’ll be watching the XC in person for the first time at WEG. Any first timer tips?