Yet Another Stupid Question: WHAT Is This On His Flank??

Right in front of off stifle. Please tell me that’s not what it looks like!
Scroll down to Warriors’s Reward.
What is that? It cannot be what I’m thinking it looks like.

I don’t see anything? I see some lathery sweat, dirt, bunched muscles, and maybe some marks from the whip on the hindquarters. Am I missing something?

What page are you looking at? Page 2? Nothing looks out of the ordinary.

I don’t see anything unusual either. This is what appears to be a mark in the mud and/or sweat on his flank that might have been left by the whip.

I don’t see anything unusual. Just mud and muscle lines.

I’m also confused about what is out of the ordinary? :confused:

I am confused

You mean the streak of caked slop and sweat/lather running out from under the saddle cloth?

What do you think it is? Jock can’t reach to whip from behind his heel down to the belly in case that’s what you are worried about. That horse is coated wet footing.

I see nothing unusual?? Is this a stupid question or are we just suckers?

Someone’s been watching too many adult movies.

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Ohhhh…Cant you enlarge the area on your device enough to see it’s a lump, probably a contracted muscle under the skin covered in mud? If you want to know if male racers let down during races, just ask. No need to be coy on this board.

Someone, like @Brigid, needs to circle what i’m Supposed to be looking at…because try as I might I can’t see anything odd.

I really wish OP would come back, because I’m super curious now, LOL


I don’t watch them, but yes it looks like a testicle under the skin, where one cannot be!
Weird optical illusion plus poor eyesight. :lol:

You have quite the imagination.


Isn’t that a stallion advertisement? And she thinks he has a retained testicle in his right flank?

You mean that sort of kidney-shaped lump that looks sort of like a tumor? Doesn’t look anything like a testicle to me.

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That’s about the same as seeing Jesus image on a slice of toast…takes faith, and an interest in seeing the thing…

Now I know what to look for, I still kind of struggle making the jump.


Not quite ‘kidney-shaped,’ but it appears to be a lump under the skin.
I’ve witnessed (and twice aided by kneeling on head/neck & holding rope tying back upside hind leg) 5 gelding procedures; 3 of them my own colts. The testes were all differently sized. Of course this doesn’t include the ‘rings-n-strings’ attached. I read some where, that some males were cut due to 1 or both retained testicles bothering a horse by being positioned near it’s flanks/stifle (monochordism/cryptorchidism sp?) (inguinal hernia as well.)

So … what could it be? A tumor as another poster suggested?

I didn’t suggest it might be a tumor; I just said it looked sort of like one. To me, who has seen only one outside-the-body tumor, and that was on a mouse 50-odd years ago.

ETA: I don’t think your question was at all stupid. I’m just as curious as you are as to what we’re seeing there.

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