Yoga mat for jumpers

Maybe this is obvious to everyone else… but… what are the yoga mats for in the jumper grooms class. Two people had it. For a nap? For the rider to stand on?

EDIT: they answered it. It’s a fake Liverpool. Leaving this up in case anyone else had seen this and was confused.


I don’t recall what happened to it, but I think there was a new rule or rule change proposal that said exhibitors would only be allowed to use the liverpools in the schooling area that are provided by the horse show.

Which raised the obvious question of what everyone is going to do with all those yoga mats they’ve been carrying around on their backpacks for years. Lol.


They’re just for taking a nap between rounds now :rofl:
I’ve never noticed anyone with a yoga mat for a fake Liverpool before. I’ve seen a lot of blue beach towels though. I must have just not been paying attention

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Some of the most entertaining fights in the schooling area ensue when either someone is monopolizing the liverpool or dragging it around in an unsafe manner. All fun and games until you frighten the horses.

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Some folks drape them over the rails in place of towels, too.

They make a good stand-in liverpool in the warmup if you have a horse that likes to take a peek at them.
Similar purpose to jumping a towel or a cooler for one that can be a bit looky.