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You know you really ARE a horse-obsessed whack job...

We are a sick bunch! LOL
I do that to my cats as well! :lol:[/QUOTE]

you half halt your cats?? :lol:

Go over bumps and soften my seat so I move “with” my car.
Cluck at my husband to get his attention in crowded stores (he complains every time but it works!)
Whoa all manner of other critters, both small humans and 4 legged beasts.
When riding in the passenger seat, try and figure out the strides between fences between 2 houses.

Oh and I forgot I have been known to get strides and count them between the crack in sidewalks. Lol. And I’m an adult geesshhh

you half halt your cats?? :lol:[/QUOTE]
Nooooo the posters said she made that sound… agghh like when your horse is fidgiting in the cross ties, I make that sound to my cats when one is into something. LOL:D

I say “Whoa, dog” all the time.

My farrier mentioned “those Arab guys” and we all knew he was speaking about men who owned Arabian horses, not middle east ethnicity. Have to be careful with that one!

I’ve done that, too.

I’ve sat up straighter and/or adjusted my car’s seat so I won’t feel like I’m behind the motion. I habitually pat the back of my car when I walk behind it.

When I was out biking with some friends we were going up this terrible hill, and my bike was stalling (it has chain/gear/break problems…) and I growled “Get up there!!” at it and started clucking before I realized what I was doing.:lol:
I also do the counting strides between sidewalk crack things. Not only do I count my own, I count other people’s “strides” and see if they are getting their strides and distances!

My cats know the snap-and-point. They also know “Out!”, which I picked up from the BMs (the asst BM is very impressed that the cats know it, and didn’t quite believe it til she saw it for herself). The cats also move to the clicking, pick-up-a trot sound; DD just gets pissy and says she’s not a horse.

The best, though, was when I heard my non-horsey DH tell one of the cats to “have a manner”, another barn phrase. BM thought it was funny too :smiley:

  1. You park next to someone at work who has a bumper sticker that says “XC” and get excited that you work with a horse person! Only to find out that they run long distances.
  2. Taking my daughter to visit a college out of state, I had a momentary panic as I crossed over the state line, realizing I forgot her health certificate/Coggins.

Doing the “Hey” in a very loud voice stops traffic along with horses, dogs, cats and people in the grocery store!

Ever have the urge to squeal and kick out at someone Who’s too close to you? I supress that one all the time…

I’ve been known to spook at loud sounds too…

My non horsie friends say I have very horsie characteristics. Guess that’s what happens when you’ve lived in a barn since day one.

I’m a freak. And I accept it.

Ever have the urge to squeal and kick out at someone Who’s too close to you? I supress that one all the time…

I’ve been known to spook at loud sounds too…

My non horsie friends say I have very horsie characteristics. Guess that’s what happens when you’ve lived in a barn since day one.

I’m a freak. And I accept it.[/QUOTE]

If you’re a freak then I am, too -and probably the rest of us on COTH.

If you’re a freak then I am, too -and probably the rest of us on COTH.[/QUOTE]

I certainly am too…

Why don’t all these damn fools on the train platform get the hell outta my way like the horses do? Didn’t anyone teach 'em MANNERS??? :lol:

You know you’re a really horse-obsessed whack-o if:

  1. You STILL take a quick inhaled breath with a “AH!” when you see a horse trailer or van on the road. And you still hope to catch up and see who’s in it, just like you did when you were 50 years younger:yes:

  2. You take great pride in your feather-light hold on any dog leash, and revel in the subtle corrections a simple tightening of the fist achieves:cool:

  3. You crane your neck and swivel in your seat each time you spot what might POSSIBLY be a horse property when on a roadtrip, and merrily share with your car-mates how many bays, grays, pintos, QHs, and ponies you see, and whether their current attire is acceptable in current conditions and whether their rings need to be dragged or fields rotated. Whether they want to hear it or not:winkgrin:

when I have classical music on the car radio I find myself “designing” freerides.

Yes!!! :yes: :lol:

And does anyone else see any long grassy hill, field and instantly imagine how awesome it would be to gallop up/across it? :o

No. But pin my ears, snake my neck around, and glare; yes. :slight_smile:

Yes!!! :yes: :lol:

And does anyone else see any long grassy hill, field and instantly imagine how awesome it would be to gallop up/across it? :o[/QUOTE]

I’ve eyed many a golf course with those thoughts.:smiley:

Aah hahaha cracking up at the patting of the back of the car, because I almost always catch myself putting a few fingertips on my car’s trunk as I walk around it, or just a hand held out toward it… As if it’s going to suddenly swing around, ha!