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You know you really ARE a horse-obsessed whack job...

I go running daily, and for the most part appear to be a normal human being. Until I run up to a log or a curb. Then I count a few strides out, “can-TER” (usually on the left lead) and jump.

Funny thing is, I haven’t jumped an actual horse in years.

We had new carpeting installed at work. With the new thicker carpet it’s hard to roll your chair around. Everyone requested one of those under the desk plexi chair pads. I turned it down because I found I can work my core moving my chair forward/back/side-to-side in the thicker carpet giving me a good workout. Why does that make me happy? :lol:

Yes you do! I was having happy hour with a friend and we were talking about the cute horse a barn mate of ours had on trial… I started my sentence “Normally I’m not a fan of Arabs but…” :ambivalence: I saw several sets of eyes shoot my way and had to quickly figure out how to end that sentence in a way that made it clear I was talking about a horse :lol:[/QUOTE]

Um… This happens to me all the time. I have two Arabians and work with active-duty service members on a military base. I worry that someone’s going to overhear me talking about my Arabs and file an EO complaint on me. Luckily, everyone at work knows that I’m horse-obsessed.

When I see one of my dogs rounding the corner on the wrong lead I holler at them to fix their lead or if they’re cross cantering to fix their back end… So far they do not seem to understand :lol:

They have mastered clucking however :smiley: