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Young horse event trainers in WA, maybe OR

Are there any recommendations for trainers in WA or maybe OR who have good programs babies, ideally with some experience taking them to YHS/FEH shows?

I have a filly who will be weaned in Dec/Jan and then shipped up here. She has sisters who have done well in FEH shows as yearlings onward, and I’m interested in starting her along that same path. I think it would be good early exposure to get out and do some of the in hand classes, experience a show environment, etc.

So looking for a program that is good for raising babies (i.e. lots of turnout) + putting on foundation for a later riding/show career. Flexible on location if it’s the type of program where I wouldn’t need to be there daily, but the closer to the Chehalis/Centralia/Yelm/Puyallup arc in WA the better. YHS/FEH classes aren’t critical – it would just be nice to see if she follows in her sisters’ footsteps.

Maybe colts unlimited has a program for really young horses? I know they start horses but not sure if they’ll take them that young.

I really want to stay within WA/maybe OR so I’ll have opportunities to see her. Looks like a nice program, though.

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I’ve heard good things about Anna Collier in the Ridgefield area.


Sent you a PM.

Thank you!

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Jennifer Wooten is the first that comes to mind. She’s got loads of experience. https://www.trinityeventing.com/

Sarah Lorenz does a lot with young horses, and has evented at the UL’s. [https://www.stonesthrowfarm.com/about-sarah]

There is also Hadley Johnson, she and her husband have a good program in central OR.


Hadley is FANTASTIC!


I second Hadley and her husband Marcos. I will never break a horse again, now that I know the job they do!!

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I have heard good things about Michele Pestl who is in Washington.

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Thank you everyone – these are all very helpful!

Dave Williams in OR is phenomenal at breaking and working with young horses. He’s a natural horsemanship background.


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Jordán Lindstedt - she has a lot of young horses and has done the 5*s. Feel free to PM me.