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Young Horse stocking up suddenly

infection? like a virus? because i looked the legs and no cuts anywhere

Yes there are systemic infections that could present this way, not necessarily an infection in the leg itself. Including tick borne diseases. It could be primary bacterial cellulitis but that would be uncommon in multiple limbs without wounds. All of these would likely have a temperature with it. Are you doing anything for it now? Cold hosing, wrapping, Bute, etc?

yes walking, cold hosing. when i walk it goes down but the horse is now lame, i do not know if it is the fact that the horse was shod 9 weeks ago. the farrier comes normally every 5 weeks but this time he was ill and could not come until yesterday. vet is coming tomorrow so i hope he does not have some kind of tendonitis do because of the too long front feet.

and no bute because vet is coming and i want him to see how the horse moves without bute

LunaBear1988, I noticed your mention of fly boots (we’re past that season here in VT) and wondered if you were also using flyspray on him? My sensitive thoroughbred once stocked up suddenly from a new flyspray product, one that had Geraniol in it. He was a bit allergic to it.

I don’t recall if I was using it or not at that point but I’ve seen it when it was definitely too cold from flies.

It goes away with exercise And it doesn’t seem to always be there. Vet is not worried and he’s sound so I’m just not worrying at this point.