I was doing the dressage phase of a horse trial several years ago when somehow my horse got the chain for the dressage ring wrapped around his leg or tail?!?? Still to this day don’t know exactly what happened. We were cantering down the long side and proceeded to rip down the entire side of the arena without skipping a beat. At the end the judge just said. “That was impressive”. I was afraid I might have gotten eliminated because I stepped out of the arena , but scored very well, and if I remember correctly, we ended up placing 2nd. I don’t remember the score, but I’m pretty sure it was in the low 30’s. (high 60’s when translated to percentage)[/QUOTE]
This is hilarious! And impressive
My favourite moment was the time my horse and I went up centerline at a schooling show, halted at X and then the judges tent blew away in the wind. My poor horse grew about three hands with eyes the size of dinner plates and didn’t move a muscle. I started laughing and the judge called over,“why don’t we try that again?”
I didn’t think I would get him in the ring for a second try but he was a trooper. It was too funny and our second attempt went fine once I got him past the judge.