The one I remember inspirationally, and I saw it live. Have often reminded myself of this one over the years, and not just in horse matters.
1996 Olympics. Monica T on Grunnox doing her test as anchor for her team. Enter the ring, halt, salute the judges, and then proceed in the wrong gait. Right there at the start of this high-pressure test. She corrected smoothly, went on like nothing at all happened to put in a smooth ride, and her team won the gold.
Personally, it was a test years ago on my big black ASB. He was the most difficult horse I’ve ever ridden but was definitely not spooky. Wherever he was, he was always the same (though difficult). I could have ridden him in the median on the interstate. So I totally wasn’t expecting him to do a neat little “pop,” like a spook with a sideways jump, and go over the rails as we trotted down the long side. Up, over 2 feet, down. I put hard outside leg on and gave a growl, and he did the exact same in reverse, popping back over the rail to inside. Two miniature elevator jumps. We were eliminated, but the judge went ahead and scored the rest of the ride just for feedback, and everything else was a good score. Totally out of the blue. If she’d looked down for four seconds, she never would have known it happened.