Your ride or die grooming products

I’m an excellent enabler. Looks like an interesting tool for removing mud.

Currently I use the scrapper end of the hoof pick I linked, but that tool might be a cool addition.

I have 2 sets of Haas brushes and they are lovely, but I didn’t find them earth shattering and one of my horses is not a fan.

I will provide the ~10th endorsement for Haas brushes and the Schimmel in particular. I have a gray and I really feel like it does a visibly better job flicking out the dirt and poop than other hard brushes.


I want to thank all of you for getting me out of a funk.

For reasons that I will not go into here I have been on a strict “don’t buy unnecessary stuff” rag lately. This thread has impelled me to make an exception for some interesting grooming tools that the lesson horses and the lesson barns DESERVE, so I decided to make an exception for the horses, of course.

My other reason is that I have no idea if these products will be available in the future. Dang it, the lesson horses and their barns DESERVE the best of everything, just like beloved private horses and their owners do.

I am a lot more cheerful right now with this little bit of retail therapy.


You Go Girl!!


@Jackie_Cochran I love how you care so much for the lesson horses you ride. Reading your posts like this always makes me smile.


That Mane and Tail spray is amazing. My guy has a THICK draft tail, usually with bits of poo in it, and the spray makes quick work of it!


Well if you need a little more of reason to embrace the retail therapy, I’m a type A person who keeps a running list of my favorite indie equestrian brands…


This list is both great and awful :rofl: i am going to slowly back away from it now before I find something I “need”


@coffeehag–I have decimated my savings enough for right now–back to getting to my original beginning of the year savings goal, then I will be saving because of the possibility of the coming price hikes for everything.

But when I feel more prosperous I will definitely start going through your list–slowly, BUT being able to afford my riding lessons takes first priority. After all I must continue to support those wonderful patient lesson horses!


Would you mind sharing a link? I’m not sure I’m looking at the right product. I’ve got a thick coarse tail prone to tight ringlets so I’m all ears.

Smells nice but not overpowering! I also use the squeeze bottle of concentrated Cowboy Magic detangler.

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Last year I searched for this on amazon and found a copy - very inexpensive and the exact same thing.

My favorite thing thats not listed here is Curry on a Stick. Its a round two sided curry ( pointy knobs and rubbery bristles) on a handle. SO very easy to use.


Sounds like food you’d get at a fair! :rofl:


I’m so tempted to write out my list. I will second Haas brushes. I have four and I love all of them for various reasons. I will add that I love Furminator brushes (off brand counts) for horses with a double coat. I also love grooming gloves like these; separate pairs for face and legs:

I’m a firm believer in separate brushes for faces, body, and legs. I also really like using human hair products like cholesterol and argon oil for mane and tail, and I generally use gentle soap (like Dove soap) for bathing unless I’m dealing with fungus or something else. Once a year I roach my mare’s mane and I wash her scalp with Irish Spring soap and then treat it with argon oil.

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This cheap-ass little “magic grooming brush.” Maybe I will invest in the fancy Lemeiux version brush set. But I bought this just to get free shipping and I use it constantly:

Especially right now, when my horse is still hairy, but getting sweaty and shedding a bit. It breaks up the sweat marks and pulls out some hair. I use a larger/stiffer one on my boots when they’re muddy. It’s almost annoying how such a cheap little brush is so useful!


My one mare loves to get muddy so my grooming kit is focused on de-mudding efficiently …
Not exactly an “indie brand” thing but I would be lost without one of these Jelly Scrubber Mitts. You have to “break them in” but once you’re using them regularly they are soft and flexible and I find them great at removing dried mud.
These Grooming mitts are great for dried mud on legs. And it doesn’t seem to offend her when she’s clipped and sensitive. Unfortunately after years of use the little nubs are starting to wear down to nothing on mine .
And when the mud is still wet but it needs to come off now … human loofah mitt.


I recently bought one of these and I love it! It’s great for mud on their sensitive faces and legs. It’s mud season here and this brush has been so handy (and it was cheap!)


Is the “horse hair” used in grooming brushes real horse hair or is it artificial? I am reading that horse hair is obtained from manes and tales during normal grooming but other AI produced sources say that it can come from the horse slaughter meat industry.


I love how caring and kind you are to the lesson horses, Jackie. They DO deserve it, you are right. :heart:

My cranky TB pretty much hates everything, including my Tiger’s Tongue, Posture Prep, Hass brushes, (including the wonderful Diva with the sheepskin) He even hates his LeMieux sheepskin mitt. Except on certain parts of his body.
But I love all these products because he resents them the least. They work.
Now to try the Carr Day and Martin tail stuff…
Thank you, OP for starting this thread.


These little things are amazing. I use it all year around.

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