"Your topic is similar to" recommendations

@Moderator_1 Not very important, but you may want the developers to refine this function. It’s producing completely irrelevant recommendations based on a single isolated word. See example below, and as I’m tying this very post, the big green pane to the right is telling me this post is similar to a post entitled “Spinoff- Recommend a cart for a 13.1h wide Haflinger.” :laughing:

Not a bug or a big problem in the grand scheme of things, but if COTH paid extra for this feature, you might want to short-pay that invoice. :laughing:

I just increased the setting so (I think) it won’t start checking for similar topics until there’s a minimum topic title length of 20 characters. The default was 10. Not sure if it will help, but we can see. :slight_smile:

We can continue to tweak that.


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@Moderator_1 I guess they’re all ridiculous spectacles, but not sure this is working as intended. LOL

Similar topics looks to only offer from the main part of the board–the horse discussion groups. I can see that being by design. But it’ll also mean odd suggestions when you’re talking about something non horsey…