Zycosan updates- how's it going?

I found some old threads on the switch over from Pentosan to Zycosan, but I’m wondering how all our Zycosan users are doing now. Happy with results? How long are the benefits lasting (I’ve heard 4-6 months)? Anyone seeing the discoloration of the injection site?

My boy is up to 3-4 rounds of Adequan per year to fend off hock arthritis (which is working! new rads show minimal progression of OA over the last 6 years) but it’s just a lot of shots. I’m interested in switching over to Zycosan but my vet warns it’s a new drug and she doesn’t have a lot of longer term cases yet.

Any updates?

Just remember, it’s still pentosan. But it’s just formulated for “guaranteed” consistency and safety. Quotes are only because absolutely nothing is 100% guaranteed for those things, but with FDA approval you do have some recourse.


Fair point. I guess my experience with Pentosan was trying Abler’s compounded version on my late mare, and it was not a good experience (I ended up not using the last two vials because they had fuzzy cloudy chunks in them). I never tried, and don’t know anyone IRL who tried, the more official version from Australia.

Going to try it for the first time starting tomorrow. Vet prescribed one shot three days in a row and a fourth shot in 6 months.

My horse just completed his last injection of it last week. To be fair, he also had a wonderful chiropractic appointment that week. But man this week he has been feeling so wonderful. Really soft and supple. More relaxed. My vet is recommending to do the once a month injections now (I know that’s not how the manufacturer recommends but I do know people that have used it that way…)

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ah, yeah, Abler isn’t condoned by the US, definitely not FDA approved, not even sure if they have any sort of official quality control process. I would NOT use any injectable that’s not FDA-approved for anything

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Interesting that vets are recommending different protocols than the packaging! Another horse in my barn did the full course, but her vet also recommended the monthly injections. Unfortunately, the mare also had multiple other joints injected the same time the course of Zycosan was completed and isn’t back in work yet, so it’s unclear if the Zycosan specifically helped.

I gave my 23 year old his last of 4 weekly shots on Sunday. He’s feeling great! I’d had him on Equioxx before I started, but stopped the Equioxx about 2 weeks before starting the Zycosan and I think he feels better now than on the Equioxx.

I’d done a round of Adequan on him last fall but didn’t see any results. Of course, before I did the Zycosan, I also did a shot of Osphos in Feb, injected fetlocks and pasterns in March, and injected hocks in April, so it’s possible I could do Adequan now and see results, whereas last year there may have just been too many spots that needed more direct support for the Adequan to do anything noticeable.

My vet also prescribed the 4 week loading dose and then monthly thereafter. I’m planning to just repeat the loading dose every quarter. I’m really, really hoping that regular use of the Zycosan will reduce the need for joint injections and/or more Osphos.

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When I was at CSU with a friend (for her horse) she said she liked to use Zycosan or Adequan a few months apart from joint injections.

@Lunabear1988 Are you going to try the monthly injections?

It would be so awesome if we could try to do a little comparison/experiment here on COTH of those who do monthly injections versus those who repeat the loading dose. Of course, I know that’s basically impossible with all of the other variables. :slight_smile:

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I think so. I think I have seen enough results to make it worth it.

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My horse did the 4 injections (one per week) earlier this year. It made a huge difference - he was 90% better. On the advice of my family vet, I went ahead and had his hocks and SI injected. I have to say, doing Zycosan and then the injections have him back to 100%. I haven’t tried the monthly Zycosan as he is not in hard work and I want to see how long it lasts.

I’ve also gotten a new saddle, new bridle and bit he’s not allergic to, and started him on the allergy desensitization protocol. It’s been a long haul to get him back to working well but it’s been worth it. It’s fun to ride again.


I’m using Arthropen, which is the Australian version. I’m doing the loading dose again in four months.