Bumping this up because my vet suggested we try this for my early stages IAD horse. She suggested about 12 pills 2x a day, which is more on the .2mg/kg side of the range.
Although his BAL shows possible allergy cause, the allergy seems to be to smoke and ozone moreso than dust or pollen given that he was totally fine in a different location for months that had plenty of dust (although he was outside more) and pollen. I already started nebulizing with saline which helped for a while, but even with AQI below 100, he’s having trouble lately. They want me to continue that. I also have a hay steamer that my boarding barn won’t let me use
If he doesn’t have a good response in 2 weeks, they want to do another BAL and consider steroids. This horse is not really one I’d be keen on giving regular steroids. Are those who are doing .4mg/kg of Zyrtec doing that once a day or twice?