It’s been a bad year for my poor horse and his hives. He was on Benadryl all last year and it worked well. Vet suggested going to Zyrtec, but we thought we’d try a supplement (Equishield SA) first so I wouldn’t have to take him off his meds for shows. The supplement was no help, so put him on Zyrtec. He still had bumps and he was itchier than he had been last year on Benadryl, so I thought I’d put him back on it. Holy hives, Batman! His bumps were all over eeek! And he looked so miserable. Talked to the vet and he’s back on Zyrtec plus we now have added hydroxyzine to the mix. Two doses of that combination and the bumps were down by about 75% this morning. He looked much happier.
I’m not showing rated again until August so we’ll deal with the drug/show issue then. I usually give him the allowed dosage of dex and he’s OK for a couple of days.
So I have one with melanomas and mast cells and one with skin allergies. Yay! Horse dermatology central here but it could be worse…