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***03/04/24 upd*** Pearl is better

So it looks like Pearl is headed out the door.

Noticed that she was having some left sided deficits - didn’t seem coordinated walking and was dragging both left legs. Ate up all her breakfast and seemed fairly cheerful. Took her to emergency vet and she actually had gotten worse. Vet said she had very possibly thrown a blood clot that was blocking nerves on that side, and then said she had multiple, multiple nodes and lumps in her intestines and a “pretty bad” murmur plus a “very concerning” arrythmia which she felt contributed to the clot. She said it was my choice to take her home or let her go so I chose home as I felt it was too soon to jump off the cliff. She agreed and gave me some meds and we went home. One of the meds was a topical for bupenorphine and oh man, she reacted very badly. By the time she got home she was acting like she was completely spooked and terrified of everything and would not be comforted. I tried to keep her on the bed but she kept sliding off and even though I had blocked off access to under the bed she managed to get in and there she remains. I could not get her out at all and I cannot go under bed (It’s an old water bed with captains drawers and in about 6 or more feet long and a tunnel. I don’t fit. At all.)
I don’t know id she can’t or won’t come out. I had to go to work but at least the other cats won’t bug her.
When I get home I will ask a neighbor if I can borrow his very thin son to drag her out.

I’m so upset. I didn’t even want to go to work today. But here I am. Depending on what I find tonight and how she acts will be the decider. She’s never ever been a good patient and has not improved in her older years. She is 16 this year, 17 in July.

She does not deserve this. She has always been my little wild one. Never a cuddler except for sometimes. Since moving to this smaller space she has decided that she CAN interact with me but probably only because there is nowhere to hide like in my last house. Despite that she is very sweet and loves her treats, plus she is never rude like her brothers. She was Ollie’s favorite cat because she liked to play gently like he did. She is a very “girly” cat but has her mother’s tough streak. Plus, the very llloooonnnggg family tail.

just wtf.

Here’s a couple pics of her

Jingles please.


Aww. Poor old girl. She’s beautiful. Hugs to you both. :kissing_heart:


What a purty girl. Jingles that she is not in pain and that you will both find some comfort soon.


i’m still in shock. It would be different if she was sick but she’s only ever gotten a cold. And still acts like a young cat.


Thinking of Pearl ~ hoping for some improvement ~ wrap her up in “home love” for as long as you can ~ Jingles & ((hugs)) for both of you ~ AO ~

She’s a lovely girl ~


Thinking of you. Remember that you have done your best.


I have to say that I would guess in a heartbeat that this was written by a horse person. :blush:


Jingles for your sweet kitty.


This is so hard,I’m sorry!! She is beautiful :heart_eyes:


Sending you both some jingles.


Best wishes for Pearl!


I’m so sorry! Nothing is worse than those sudden diagnoses. Hugs and jingles to you both.

You’re doing the best you can - it doesn’t sound like Pearl gave you any reason to think anything was wrong until it was too late. As cats often do, unfortunately.


So sorry, Shiloh.


I’m sorry about Pearl. I hope you both find peace soon.


Sorry to hear this about Pearl.


Thinking of both you and Pearl.


I’m so sorry, @shiloh. Hugs for you and jingles for your sweet baby girl.


many jingles for a quiet passing for Pearl and for you to find peace in the amazing life she shared with you. it’s never long enough… :broken_heart:


She’s still here. Came home last night and had to spend 20 minutes digging her out from under the bed. And while I was holding her peed all down my left side so I had to do laundry. She gobbled up about half her food and then spent the rest of the night trotting thru the house off and on. I can hear and see that she is totally dragging her L front foot and she has no tail function at all. The back end - the left side still not great but wants to use it more but now r side is starting to show some deficit. This morning I had to dig her out again even though I thought I had made it even more inaccessible. No. Damn. And she refused breakfast so I fed her. She didn’t love it but was cooperative. The meds are wearing off and she is starting to act more normal - not like she is spun on some drug.

I guess i have some decisions to make. While she seems to be kind of sort of holding her own, she is the worst patient. I know she is not going to get better but it’s not clear cut when to pull that trigger. I feel that right now if I let her go it’s because she’s an inconvenience or that I gave up too soon. And I never want to use that as a reason. I guess we will see what happens tonight. I wish it was more black and white but no.


@shiloh, it is the same with cats as it is with horses, better a day early than a day late. It is never an easy decision, never, and the loss is such a hole in our lives, but remember that being less than her usual self is unsettling for her as well as you, and being a patient can be stressful. You have given her a wonderful, loving home and life, regardless of what decisions you need to make now. If she can enjoy it for longer, let her. Do what feels right to you, and it will be right.

COTH is with you.
