2 Przewalski Horses turn up at auctions

Does anyone know where the horses were originally supposed to go? Were they bred in the U.S. or imported from somewhere else? It seems very strange that they just …appeared out of nowhere. I can envision a zoo to zoo breeding transfer and then the zoo(s) stepping in to reclaim them, but that doesn’t seem to be happening. As far as just Joe Blow buying them off the street, I would imagine that the price would be enormous.


I have tried multiple search engines and nothing comes up. I am sure someone has covered it up because no one wants to be the one who misplaces endangered animals and have them show up in kill pens.


I also can’t see why the federal government and/or the zoos haven’t just gone ahead and confiscated the horses already. Or is ownership of such animals not regulated?


I saw something about how there were 3 that disappeared from quarantine? 2 mares and a stallion. That would lead me to believe that they were imported, but don’t remember the destination. Zoo maybe?

I did not have on my 2024 bingo card to have 2 Przewalski stories in a week. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cljj0y15nnko


I think it is all in how the laws are written. Plus states rights.

Good gosh! Went missing? Were they not suspected to be stolen? Did they jump a fence? Who are the people transporting and supposedly protecting endangered species? What the heck kind of slipshod BS is this? And no alerts sent out to find these lost/stolen/misplaced/escaped endangered animals? What zoo was supposed to receive them? Why didn’t they raise holy hell when it didn’t happen?

My fear is that these animals weren’t destined for a zoo at all. My fear is that our typical sh#tbag ultra rich seeping d#ckwads were shipping them in to shoot them at a canned hunt. The more rare, the better.

I hope I’m wrong. I really hope so.


I’m imagining the person that thought they were buying a mule trying to handle his new purchase, lol.

“Um, why is this mule trying to kill me?” Ed thought to himself after narrowly escaping being decapitated.


Hence why she ended up at a rescue. It would seem the folks with the stallion very much suspected the rarity.
Of course maybe the mare owner did to and overestimated their Przewalski horse whispering ability


Wait a minute. On Reddit, they’re saying info about the stallion is coming from a 14 year old on TikTok. So, this could all be a bunch of male bovine excrement. Someone trying to do a go fund me to pay for their toys.

There’s a huge unregulated or underground trade in exotic and endangered animals. The US is a patchwork of state laws. If you can keep lions and tigers at home or at backwoods zois, and let zebras escape in transit, I am sure you could source a Przewalski horse.


You are correct. The person running the stallion’s TT page and the person who posted it, is a minor.

I am hoping an adult with the stallion is involved. The Lazy B rescue that has the mare said a few days ago that they have been talking with the stallion’s owner; I am assuming its a parent and not the kid.


This. I doubt the original importer will ever come forward. Also, they didn’t “escape” from quarantine. No USDA quarantine facility I’ve ever seen has turnout, and no one there would be stupid enough to try to turn out a non-domesticated animal. Assuming these came over with proper documentation, etc. they would have been treated like lion or tigers or bears. If they went missing, someone did it.


I Googled. Przewalski’s horse went through a genetic bottleneck in the mid 20th century and survived only in captive breeding programs. Then there was an international effort to repopulate them in their former desert and steppe environments which has been moderately successful. However much of this territory is in places that are remote, lawless, or under enormous human crisis. Apparently there are about 100 horses living in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in Ukraine, for instance. I would imagine there is fair opportunity to nab a few weanlings and start your own undocumented breeding program, or capture from wild populations, if you were in the Gobi desert or similar and thought you could make cash internationally either to zoos or American hoarders.

I can’t see it getting as popular as colorful poisonous reptiles or medium size exotic cats, but on the other hand you might be able to hide Przewalski’s horses in plain sight in a mixed herd of Mongolian ponies and few people would notice them.

Has the rescue with the mare actually seen the stallion that this teen supposedly has? The Gofundme nonsense is making wonder if she’s faking the whole thing. One comment on Reddit pointed out that the time that elapsed between when the girl said she had the stallion and when she claimed that testing revealed it to be a Przewalski horse was far too soon for actual DNA test results. If she really has the stallion, who did the DNA testing?

Wait, is there a gofundme? I hope not. That would mean scam.

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Not that I know of. I just was being smart a&&

And we love you for it! :joy:

The kid stated that the stallion was in quartanine for a month before being shipped to them in UT. (He came from an kill pen in KS) and they had DNA pulled then. Supposedly.

The rescue that has the mare has stated in their comments that they have spoken with the stallion’s owners. I don’t know if they mean the kid or her parents.


Should I go buy a lottery ticket?


I don’t know what to think of this situation. If they were missing and ended up at auction, where are the rightful “owners” I find it a bit hard to believe they are part of the wild animal trade because they are so rare and I would think easily traced. If they are true Przewalskis, I truly hope they end up in a place that knows how to handle them. I am worried she will try and breed him.