2001 Best of the BB Awards...

sees the kind things posted about her and tears up.

How blessed we are to have found such wonderful friend, whether they be in person, via phone or online.

Big Gold Star for COTH and our Chief Cat Herder!!!

That I had the luxury of meeting Portia at last year’s Rolex Kentucky Three Day Event, and she was nothing more than a delight. This year, P, if you’re going to attend, we’ll have to sit (and drink) together!!! LOL!

Also, ETBW, who I think I failed to mention in my initial response, is consistently a real friend and a very charming person on the bb. She always has a good link and a good recipe! I know I would gain 20 lbs. if she and I lived in the same region! (ETBW, email me for “menu review” for my holiday brunch this Sunday.)

I’m also happy we have a good BB Administrator (who events, so take that VT Rider) and “staff” to moderate here.


Thanks, Boss Hoss, that’s sweet of you! You’ll notice I specifically didn’t list you as someone I want to meet – because you keep teasing me with promises that you and hubby are going to move here, then it never comes to be. So I have given up hope, and the only way I can deal is to convince myself that not only will you never move here, but I’ll never even get to meet you.! Should that wonderful day come to pass, however, it will be joyous.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Also, why do y’all want to jump jumps that don’t come down if your horse hits them? Answer that one for me?!?!?! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
So they won’t knock down the ones that DO fall down.

Sure beats poling with a tack rail.

But I have seen you in your pajamas!!! Thank you very much!

[I]“If you can’t beat 'em with brains, beat 'em with bullshit!”

  • Tommy Serio, 2001[/I]
  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year - You’re so Vain part one and the sequel;

  2. Thread that has impacted you the most - Who could have imagined that a singular thread, announcing the crash of the first plane into the WTC, on the morning of September 11th will be forever etched in my mind;

  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die - Must agree, the Christians who ride;

  4. Thread that you wish had never died - Any thread, rightfully, teasing Jair ;

  5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares - Without a doubt the terribly upsetting MJ thread;

  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see their name in lights - Oh, that’d be me;

  7. Best username - Everythingbutwings, Sea Urchin, Egon Trip, Velveeta;

  8. Most annoying username - Any that’s misspelt;

  9. Most inspirational poster - There are so many wonderfully witty, intelligent, compassionate and informative posters on this BB, so I hope no one’s offended if they’re not included.

-For their intelligence, wit, and because I can envision the sh*t-eating grins on their faces when they brilliantly instruct someone to stuff themselves… DMK, hobson, Inverness, Canter;

-For their compassion, grace, and strength of character…Louise, Wingsy, Duffy, Beezer, Jair, Lordhelpus, Robby Johnson;

-Those who I’d adopt as a younger sister…VTRider, Tin, slugger, dogchushu, miniwelsh, kachoo, Erin, lisamarie8; I’d include Colin here but would bankrupt myself bailing her out of jail;

-My virtual younger brothers…Jair, Robby Johnson, Moesha;

-My virtual grandfather…Sea Urchin;

-Juniors whom I’d like to claim as my own kids, though needless to say, I am much too young to be their mother…Becca, Kellybird, ClipClop, JumpTheMoon, 'nButter;

  1. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium - Hmmm…

  2. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading - DMK, Merry, Robby Johnson, Jair, Jeb (where the hell is he, BTW);

  3. Poster who you want to come back as in your next life - Would I have to wear a small strap-on if I choose Jair?

  4. Poster who you most want to meet in person - Oh so many. The CA cliquesters, Merry, Beezer, Coreene, Dublin, Justalurker, AAJumper; the Virginians/Marylanders, ETBW, Inverness, MargaretF, Moesha; the Southern Belles, DMK, Portia, Lordhelpus, M O’Connor, vineyridge; and of course I need to get myself to Ireland to horse-shop with Weatherford. I’d like to be the Jack Kerouac of the BB next year and take to the road to meet so many of you.

  5. Clique that you most want to be a member of - The Anti Helmet-Thread Clique;

  6. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for - No doubt, mazzy’s;

  7. Poster that always puts you in a good mood - Fred, Quinn, ETBW, Louise, and okay, Jair;

  8. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB - Canter and Duffy as I’ve actually spent some time with them;

  9. Most memorable event from the BB this year - September 11th.

  10. Poster who you want to "vote off the island - I’ve exercised my god-like powers and evicted “Gretel” off the island and she’s floating on an inflatable raft to New Jersey, as we speak.

  11. Thing you would change most about the BB - Fewer regurgitated threads;

  12. What you like best about the BB - The camraderie, the debates, the wit, the information, the banter. The posters define this BB and the greatness of the COTH BB is truly a reflection of how awesomely wonderful so many of you are;

  13. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live? I no longer have pantylines;

  14. In general - how was 2001 for you?
    Well, as I age, it seems my children do too. I’m shocked that my daughter (my first baby) is on the verge of adolescence and that Sumo will turn 4 (oh sniff, sniff) in less than two weeks time.

I am reminded, though, with each passing year that I’ve effectively procrastinated for yet another year and have neglected to write Thegreatnovelthat begstobewritten.

[This message was edited by heidi-ugh on Dec. 07, 2001 at 03:29 PM.]

  1. Most annoying username - any name with the number 2 behind it

  2. Most annoying username - I agree with the acronyms and numbers and PoStSlIkEtHiS.

  3. Most annoying username -
    I second the person who said anything with a 2 after it

  4. Most annoying username - ANYTHING THAT HAS NUMBERS

haha sorry guys!! I just had to ask!

~Unapproved Princess Clique~ Proud member of the DUMBELL CLIQUE
The perfect hunt horse should" 'Ave the 'ead of a duchess an the arse of a cook"
Bounce once if you believe in diagonals!
Calligula, a smart man! Appointed his horse as consul!
Look mommy!! He’s wearing bellbottoms!!(in reference to a clydesdale)

Thanks Flashy Gray… but I’d rather be knocked 6 ways to Sunday than be “outside-diagonal-outside-diagonal”'d until my eyes cross and brain goes numb from boredom.

If Dressage is a Symphony… Eventing is Rock & Roll!

ErinB: Seriously there are people on here that hate ME not just my name!! haha ever since my episode on the sneaking by… thread. Sad isn’t it… let’s have a tea party!

~Unapproved Princess Clique~ Proud member of the DUMBELL CLIQUE
The perfect hunt horse should" 'Ave the 'ead of a duchess an the arse of a cook"
Bounce once if you believe in diagonals!
Calligula, a smart man! Appointed his horse as consul!
Look mommy!! He’s wearing bellbottoms!!(in reference to a clydesdale)

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year:
    Baby Greenie … even though I no longer have one!

  2. Thread that has impacted you the most:

  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die:
    He!mets, and the darn Junior Clique! Moderators read that thing!

  4. Thread that you wish had never died:
    the old pictures ones

  5. Topic that has given you re-occurring nightmares:
    MJ and PV

  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see their name in lights:
    hmm is a Moderator allowed to answer this?

  7. Best username:

  8. Most annoying username:
    the misspelt ones (better now Bubble Head?)

  9. Most inspirational poster:
    Reginapony, LordHelpus, Merry

  10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium:
    Moesha, hands down!

  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading:
    another one I should stay out of!

  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your next life:

  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person:
    Portia, Heidi, Jair and DMK darn it!!!

  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of:
    vertically gifted instead of challenged!

  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for:
    Portia, Jair, Kachoo (I wanna jumper!!)
    But, I wouldn?t turn down DMKs Robbie

  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood:
    Beezer and Merry

  17. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB:
    Louise, Duffy, DMK, Heidi, Jair, Portia, and more!!!

  18. Most memorable event from the BB this year:

  19. Poster who you want to "vote off the island:
    not a moderator question!!!

  20. Thing you would change most about the BB:
    I like blue, not yellow!

  21. What you like best about the BB:
    the people, and the obvious caring

  22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live?
    I joined USA EQ, and I pay attention to the national issues now.
    I learned so much from informed BB members in Sept., and I listen to NPR these days.

  23. In general - how was 2001 for you?
    Comme ci, comme ca (darn infopop won’t do ‘cedilles’, makes it hard to write in French!)

[This message was edited by SoEasy on Dec. 07, 2001 at 10:28 PM.]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Robby Johnson:
They also did “Nasty Girl.”

“I guess I’m just used to sailors
I think they got water on the brain
I think they got more water upstairs
Than they got sugar on the candy cane”


Didn’t MargaretF work the pole to that song last night???

Behind every good woman lies a trail of men

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year - The one with the horsey poems. And Lovely Alices Tack Shopping Story.
  2. Thread that has impacted you the most - The P.V. One
  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die - Baby Greenie…Helmet Threads…
  4. Thread that you wish had never died - All the fun ones about shirt dying!
  5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares - I don’t know.
  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see their name in lights - Catherine…
  7. Best username - findeight.
  8. Most annoying username - Fluffy Feathers…or anything Helmet related
  9. Most inspirational poster - Merry. Kachoo.
  10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium -Anyone who puts up with me.
  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading - Anyone somewhat articulate, or remotely funny.
  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your next life - Anyone with multiple horsies! and lots of show shirts!
  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person - Mclain Ward.
  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of - California Clique. Next Year Baby, here I come CSU!
  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for - Anyone with pretty, shiney WBS
  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood -
    Spaz, ErinB
  17. Most Valuable Friend that you have gained as a result of this BB - I’m kinda a loner. But ya’lls rock!
  18. Most memorable event from the BB this year -COTH virtual horse shows!
  19. Poster who you want to “vote off the island” - any trolls!!!
  20. Thing you would change most about the BB - No more threads that have been said 19 million times!
  21. What you like best about the BB - pictures…people…in a word…EVERYTHING!
  22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live? umm, i dont think so…
  23. In general - how was 2001 for you? Fun!

Eeks! My horsie looks like a mule!!!

Thanks DMK… I think!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Person who posts for no reason but to see thei name in lights - ErinB <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

sputtersputtercough MOI? MOI? Me think no, muchacha! ALL my posts are intelligent pieces of fine literature which should be read carefully (preferably with a slight frown and fingers at the temples) so as not to take in too much useful information at once and injure delicate, irreplaceable brain cells.
Take this post, for instance. Don’t you feel so much more informed after our little chat?

“It’s a long day living in Reseda
There’s a freeway running through the yard
He’s a bad boy 'cause he doesn’t even miss her
He’s a bad boy for breaking her heart…”

I know of at least one gorgeous straight male who does hunter/jumper (quiet you big mouths who know to whom I am referring!)

Personally, I feel it is much more important to look good than to feel good - and we hunter riders look mahvelous. No tacky, yellow with green saddle pads, big headed horses heaving over venus flytrap looking fences, and hey, how about looking like your are moving with the horse instead of fighting with it and that steel cannonball you have in it’s mouth for control purposes

Behind every good woman lies a trail of men

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year - Anything related to PEEPS or thongs

  2. Thread that has impacted you the most -
    My “prayers needed” thread… It really helped me to know that there were a ton of people out there that I didn’t even know personally who were there for me. In a lot of ways, you BBers that helped me out were more beneficial then some people in my life who should’ve been there for me.

  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die - The junior thread, that 15 page helmet one that we just went through

  4. Thread that you wish had never died - Any PEEP thread

  5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares - M_J’s saga, what a horrific situation

  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see thei name in lights - Ryan

  7. Best username - hitchinmygetalong

  8. Most annoying username - Nickelodian… pick one, stick to it.

  9. Most inspirational poster - Kachoo

  10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium -

  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading - Kachoo

  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your next life - Kachoo (I swear, I’m not obsessed!)

  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person - AAJumper (you could always come to Austin, you know!)

  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of -
    CA Clique, even though I was made an honorary member

  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for -
    Trains are scary!

  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood - AAJumper

  17. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB - AAJumper (although, it really was from AOL boards, so… Portia)

  18. Most memorable event from the BB this year - Junior thread

  19. Poster who you want to "vote off the island - Everybody’s here to learn, nobody should have to leave!

  20. Thing you would change most about the BB - Background colors - I WANT PINK!

  21. What you like best about the BB - See #2

  22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live?
    Many things that have happened this year have changed my attitude about life, etc.

  23. In general - how was 2001 for you?
    Pretty s***y!

<Disclaimer: School has fried my brain. If the above post is somehow incoherent or otherwise obnoxious, deal with it. >

Venus fly trap tle are you peddling on 13th street again!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by simplyirrisistable:

  1. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for - findeights, oh and i love VTRider’s horse.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sniff Sniff…gee…thanks! That brought a smile to my face!

Oh…and PONYROCK - you are welcome to come visit VA anytime

Is this the part where I reveal I was in pony club and used to go Cross country and do trials and even hunt with the same ponies I showed at the A shows and even did games with one

Have a great day you all this was a blast!!!


…the popularity contests…

“The earth shook, the beach grass trembled, he propelled himself forward, and he flew.” ~Mark Helprin