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2001 Best of the BB Awards...

Why do you like my username? It’s just my first name and last initial. Not that I’m complaining, but it is rather boring and somewhat annoying being confused with the REAL Erin AKA Mother Superior and Chief Cat Herder ALL the time. Sigh. I wish sometimes I got more creative with my username, but now I’m used to this one.

And Kellybird, if you’d actually come to the forums and talk to me once in awhile…

Whatever hems your curtains.

tle I know!!! This was a blast!

haha Fluffaluffagus I’m catherine but my horsey is Bennet&Bailey, I loved your name!!! I thought it was cute… some people are just picky

~Unapproved Princess Clique~ Proud member of the DUMBELL CLIQUE
The perfect hunt horse should" 'Ave the 'ead of a duchess an the arse of a cook"
Bounce once if you believe in diagonals!
Calligula, a smart man! Appointed his horse as consul!
Look mommy!! He’s wearing bellbottoms!!(in reference to a clydesdale)

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year - Anything by Moesha, what a hoot!
  2. Thread that has impacted you the most - 9/11
  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die - Ryan’s bridle
  4. Thread that you wish had never died - GM critiques
  5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares - Show Bows
  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see thei name in lights - ErinB
  7. Best username - Tie Spazz00 (cause she’s so spastic) and MsRidiculous (cause at times its so self descriptive)
  8. Most annoying username -Feathered Bubble Head
  9. Most inspirational poster -Portia and ETBW, cause they helped me through my breeding decision
  10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium -Moesha, only a crazy person could make up those stories
  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading - Portia (cause she’s so intelligent) or Duffy (cause she’s as obsessed with turn-out as I am)
  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your enxt life -Slugger (can we say the nicest horses on earth???)
  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person -ETBW (cause she seems so charming)
  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of - ummmmm??
  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for -Again, slugger
  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood - smplyirr, she’s so cheerful in real life too
  17. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB - On this board, ms rid.
  18. Most memorable event from the BB this year - Junior helmet rule
  19. Poster who you want to "vote off the island - I can think of one but I’ll keep that to myself
  20. Thing you would change most about the BB - more smileys!!!
  21. What you like best about the BB -Willingness to listens to everyones point of view
  22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live?Not really except it did convince me to breed my mare
  23. In general - how was 2001 for you?I’ll give it a B-
Seven Down Four to go...it doesn't seem like that many, but geez an eternity to me.  What do you guys think of the name Traveling Light??

[Edited signature so the page isn't made so wide]

[This message was edited by Portia on Dec. 10, 2001 at 12:10 PM.]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moesha:
Whatever Robby! Plese Mr. Backwoods Arkansas, Paul Bunion, Big Foot , Nasty, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OK, now this was classic…extra crispy

Betsy in Goosewood

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year: Rainbow Bridge

  2. Threads that has impacted you the most: Definitely 9-11, then USA Eq/USET/USOC one(s) - I think they have been very important and have had an impact on our future. Or so I’d like to believe

  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die: Agree with SoEasy here - He!mets, and Junior Clique !

  4. Thread that you wish had never died: (again, I agree with SoEasy here!) the old pictures ones

  5. Topic that has given you re-occurring nightmares:
    MJ and PV

  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see their name in lights:
    I think I will pass on this one …

  7. Best username:

  8. Most annoying username:
    Pass on this one, too!

  9. Most inspirational poster:
    Reginapony, Linda Allen, Dru, Snowbird

  10. Posters in most need of visiting a sanitarium:
    Moesha and Colin

  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading:
    Linda Allen - but she doesn’t start threads! Louise

  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your next life:
    No comment - perhaps PDQBach - great composer (LOL)!

  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person:
    Robby Johnson, Jair, and LOTS of others - some of whom I will be meeting at the Annual Meeting.

  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of:
    Well, I do hate cliques…

  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for:
    NONE! I have several (um, well MORE than several) VERY VERY nice horses - actually, I have TOO many nice horses, and they are all TOO nice to sell!

  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood:

  17. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB:
    Linda Allen, FatLilPony, Louise, Portia, SGray, SLucas, Wtywmn, Snowbird, Heather, Nancey Fisher Phillips (or did I get that backwards?) and others!!
    (Have known SoEasy for eons!)

  18. Most memorable event from the BB this year:

  19. Poster who you want to "vote off the island:
    There are several, but I won’t go there!!

  20. Thing you would change most about the BB:
    Agree with SoEasy - would prefer a soft blue to the yellow!

  21. What you like best about the BB:
    Everyone, the communciation, the caring and the sharing.

  22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live?
    I am far more involved with the USA Eq than ever before. I am also co-authoring a couple of books with Linda Allen whom I really got to know through these boards! I have also gotten to know (and like) COTH Editor, John Strassberger, and I also have a termendous respect for him!

  23. In general - how was 2001 for you?
    Different and really wonderful in many ways.

Oh ok and that unkept pollyana pipi longstocking unbathed look that eventers have isn’t dorky? At least we look like we made it through the ice age…not still stuck on that part of teh evolution chain? And what is up with those sunken down uncustom boots you all wear??? Hello? If you want to wear paddock boots just wear them! And please all trying to get dressed up in some second hand Marshalls discount rack tweads for the vet checks. As if!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by VTrider:

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year -
    The horse lymerick/haiku/poetry thread AND the first PEEP thread

  2. Thread that has impacted you the most -
    The ear bunny thread

  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die -
    That would have to be Question for Canter - it was a record setter

  4. Thread that you wish had never died -
    Lot’s of them

  5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares -
    Anything about Biltmore LOL!

  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see thei name in lights -
    We could name many but just leave it with Kahuna

  7. Best username -

  8. Most annoying username -
    mine - havaklu

  9. Most inspirational poster -
    Merry and Beezer quite the tag team

  10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium -
    Colin - is there any question?

  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading -

  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your enxt life -
    Lovely Alice - she has her owner wrapped around her hooves!

  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person -
    Alrady met DMK and LaurieB, want to meet Hattie, Duffy, VTRider, Moesha, SeaUrchin, slugger, and of course Colin just to name a few.

  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of -
    We don’t need no stinkin’ cliques

  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for -

  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood -
    DMK and Moesha

  17. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB -

  18. Most memorable event from the BB this year -
    We can’t remember - must be the Alzheimers…

  19. Poster who you want to "vote off the island -
    pwynnorman - was voted off a while ago -

  20. Thing you would change most about the BB -
    If it ain’t broke why fix it?

  21. What you like best about the BB -
    Free entertainment when work su ummm is boring

  22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live?
    We now make S’mores with peeps

  23. In general - how was 2001 for you?
    so tired had an “odd” year - for me I acheived my goal of doing 3’6" before I turned forty - by about 72 hours

Have a super weekend!
Great survey VT!!!


[This message was edited by havaklu on Dec. 09, 2001 at 12:31 AM.]

[This message was edited by havaklu on Dec. 09, 2001 at 12:33 AM.]

tle and erin. Just because my small frame and large breasts make it difficult for me to find clothing that fits, doesn’t mean that I need hand me downs from someone who doesn’t realize that teal and hot pink should only be found on small ponies and then in very small small doses.

So, what you are saying is that you can control your horses outside of a ring as long as you are able to draw blood from their gums, hmmm? Sounds like a control issue to me - perhaps you should try your hands out playing horses on Real Sex 27

Behind every good woman lies a trail of men

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year - Double Jeopardy. I like to see if I can come up with the answers.

  2. Thread that has impacted you the most - The original high oil diet thread. It probably saved my 6 year old TB when I realized that his lack of condition may be due to EPSM (which I always had associated with draft horses).

  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die - The California Clique and Junior clique threads made me twitch. So much bandwidth and, in many cases, so little content ducks rocks thrown from CC and JC members.

  4. Thread that you wish had never died - Too many to mention. I get way too much enjoyment from this BB.

  5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares - Without a doubt the Musical Jumper thread.

  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see their name in lights - Can’t think of anyone; I think that most people just post to get their voice heard.

  7. Best username - ETBW.

  8. Most annoying username - Any name that involves random capitalization.

  9. Most inspirational poster - Snowbird, Weatherford and Portia who are all trying to make a difference.

  10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium - Tie between Colin and Sea Urchin. Of course, VTRider is making a strong stretch run.

  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading - DMK for her ability to have an opinion or comment on just about everything , LordHelpus and Lauriep for their writing styles, and Emmet for her good old commonsense horsemanship. And I’m leaving out too many but I want to save on bandwidth (see above).

  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your next life - Too many to mention. How about any poster who has a great eye for a distance?

  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person - Portia, DMK, Weatherford and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Got to get my courage up the next time I see a COTH hat at a horse show.

  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of - I kind of yearn to join the Baby Green clique now that I have started schooling the soon-to-be 4 year old pony filly.

  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for - DMK’s Robbie.

  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood - Once again too many to mention.

  17. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB - I met Wings, the Winglet, Mr. Wings and Jane Erwin at Devon and had a good time. It involved great food so I would rate it most valuable .

  18. Most memorable event from the BB this year - 9/11.

  19. Poster who you want to "vote off the island - Anybody who persists in the modern “internet shorthand” such as ur for your, etc. Also, ones who delight in random capitalization.

  20. Thing you would change most about the BB - Create a program enhancement that will automatically correct posts using internet shorthand and random capitalization.

  21. What you like best about the BB - the whole diverse community.

  22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live? Not really. I switched to an approved helmet about 7 years ago after reading the e-mail list Equine-L. Guess I’m set in my ways.

  23. In general - how was 2001 for you? Started off bad - could not get the mare in foal, Chrissy hurt her eye and my employer was acquired and the IT department was downsized. Improved when Chrissy’s eye healed, the Winged T mare decided to finally cycle and then got in foal, and Thursday I was finally offered a position with the acquiring firm. Which means I get to continue to work in the town which is the home to PEEPS!


How did the waitress look when you all rolled BACK in?

She looked like she had gotten a really horrible birthday present and was trying to be nice about it.

girl, you know you’re just trying to start some mess.

VTRider is in that preliminary state of confusion regarding her “riding lifestyle” and she’s just overcompensating with her Hunter Princess-ness.

She’s gone outside the box on the cutting horses. It’s just a matter of time before she’s leaving the starting box on XC.

And people, you CAN pick really tasteful and conservative XC colors!


<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Miniwelsh:
Quote: "Originally posted by Robby Johnson:
They also did “Nasty Girl.”

“I guess I’m just used to sailors
I think they got water on the brain
I think they got more water upstairs
Than they got sugar on the candy cane”


Didn’t MargaretF work the pole to that song last night???

Behind every good woman lies a trail of men<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

ok Miniwelsh - that made me spit Earl Grey all over my screen…

  1. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares -
    Hardly even want to bring it up… but… the
    Musical-Jumper saga…

  2. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading -
    Heidi-ugh, tle, hobson, ETBW, kachoo

  3. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for -
    UNCeventer’s Jesse the wonder pony

  4. Poster that always puts you in a good mood -

Oh please Miss Thing! You need to go and sit back down next to the Horse Radish sauce on that fixin’s bar! You are not out breezing somewhere so don’t even try to throw if you can’t catch it and send it on home! 5 faults for a rail, Alphabet soup, weird hat cover wearing primary finger paint decked out Tobiano looking self!

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year - Easy - Jr Clique!
  2. Thread that has impacted you the most - Jr Clique - I learned valuable life skills from that thread
  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die - Ummm…one about MJ
  4. Thread that you wish had never died - Jr Clique (mean moderators…booo)
  5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares - See #3
  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see thei name in lights - Hmmm…Spaz? What’s it…3000 posts in one year?
  7. Best username - ErinB (haha, my name), Kachoo, and dogchushu
  8. Most annoying username - Stupid Child
  9. Most inspirational poster - omg…slugger, dmk, merry, kachoo, etc etc I LOVE YOU ALL!
  10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium - Colin and all the juniors
  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading - See #9
  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your enxt life - Hmmm…slugger I think. She has really really nice horses
  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person - ALL OF YOU!
  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of - I already am…JR CLIQUE!
  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for - slugger, kachoo, erinb (cuz Griff belongs in MI!)
  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood - erinb, kachoo
  17. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB - all the juniors, mostly talk to #1, though
  18. Most memorable event from the BB this year - 9/11
  19. Poster who you want to "vote off the island - That’s just mean…and she was already voted off anyways
  20. Thing you would change most about the BB - New colors…change change change
  21. What you like best about the BB - All the people and mass amounts of input you get
  22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live? Just all the little things I’ve learned about riding
  23. In general - how was 2001 for you? Eh, fairly poo-like.

.:Erin B #2:.
“When you get to the end of all the light you know and it’s time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: either you will be given something solid to stand on, or you will be taught to fly.”

Thanks duramax! I feel so special to be mentioned in someone’s Best of list!!

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year - hard to narrow it down (being the Gemini that I am), but probably the Christians who ride thread… and of course anything in the Eventing forum

  2. Thread that has impacted you the most - in what way? On a very deep personal level, I’ll go with everyone else and say the Sept 11 threads. On an competitor level, probably the NGB discussions (like to stay informed).

  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die - quite a few of the OT clique threads – if you aren’t part of the joke at the beginning they make no sense.

  4. Thread that you wish had never died - Christians who ride.

  5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares - Can I say most of the posts by Moesha, Sea Urchin and quite a few of Colin’s without being stoned??

  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see thei name in lights - See #5, plus VTRider and Velvet

  7. Best username - hitchinmygetalong

  8. Most annoying username - Stupid Child, Feathered Bubble Head

  9. Most inspirational poster - Portia, subk (she’s my idol!)

  10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium - Moesha and Sea Urchin

  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading - Portia, subk, Robbie, Heather

  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your enxt life - subk or Robbie

  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person - Heather, Portia

  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of - Don’t “do” cliques

  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for - don’t pay that much attention, but having met subk’s… wow!

  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood - subk, Heather, Robbie, SimpoMatt

  17. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB - subk, Robbie

  18. Most memorable event from the BB this year - Sept 11

  19. Poster who you want to "vote off the island - Moesha, Colin, Velvet, Sea Urchin, Feathered Bubblehead, Stupid Child…

  20. Thing you would change most about the BB - Open up Off Course to more OT (yes, I’m a Survivor Junkie… wow! I was able to insert that into a post and the thread probably won’t get closed! cool!)

  21. What you like best about the BB - That for the most part, people can disagree but this is still a pleasant place to come.

  22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live? Not really.

  23. In general - how was 2001 for you? Pretty good. Got to go to my first CCI*, but didn’t finish (got the big E on XC). Finally met Robbie!

If Dressage is a Symphony… Eventing is Rock & Roll!

Well eventers would bed hop to if they looked half human

Ack! Sorry Janet! I was thinking of “meeting” in more of a social manner, as opposed to the “Where the hell is the bit-checker?”-type conversation in the warmup ring.

And that reminds me… I think I’d jump in front of a train for your little gray mare. She’s so cute!!!

(Have I redeemed myself yet? )

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year
    Question for Merry - this thread had six degrees of Kevin Bacon, brought back so many memories, brought old friends back together, brought new friends together and showed just how many wild ho-bags we’ve got here when let loose with a few margaritas!

  2. Thread that has impacted you the most

All the threads about 9/11, but especially the one where we couldn’t find In Why Cee and other “missing” BBers.

  1. Thread that just wouldn’t die

Horsey Christians and Paul V

  1. Thread that you wish had never died

Moesha’s soap opera

  1. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares

Paul V and all those ratbaggy whiny posts about helmets

  1. Person who posts for no reason but to see their name in lights

You mean I have to narrow it down to one person? Oooooh, the pain!

  1. Best username

In Why Cee, Findeight

  1. Most annoying username

Can’t say that, it would be rude

  1. Most inspirational poster

So many! Weatherford, Dru, Portia’s legal finesse, Linda Allen’s Uber Expertise, and on and on

  1. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium

Darling Colin and Moesha - but only if they share all their news with daily reports!!

  1. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading

Weatherford, Dublin, Portia, Merry and Beezer

  1. Poster who you want to come back as in your next life

Linda Allen

  1. Poster who you most want to meet in person

[B]Well I have been fortunate enough to meet the darling Chef (at my own office no less) and Merry. Taryn and I board at the same barn, so I get to see her a few times a week! Khobstetter gave my brother and I our very first hunt seat lessons! AAJumper, Akrogirl and Cactuskate met up with Taryn and me at The Oaks, where we just missed Chef and N2Jumper. Dublin and I are possibly going to meet soon, and as many BBers as possible will be having dinner at Indio!

And MAD and I are on the phone a lot, which introduced me to Alice Debaney which hooked me up with Princess Haya, who is SUCH a doll for everything she did getting our team down to Madrid!

But the list of BBers I want to meet is endless. Everyone I email, everyone who I have posted “with” and pretty much everyone else, as well. Can’t we have a big party at Devon one year?

And Dru has not only become a dear friend, but always keeps everyone here up to date on the latest with approved helmets.

But NOT Dude, although he is not actually a BBer.[/B]

  1. Clique that you most want to be a member of

But I already AM in the California clique!

  1. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for

Oh, I no longer do jumpers, only do dressage.

  1. Poster that always puts you in a good mood

The list is endless!

  1. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB

I can’t narrow this down to one person, I just love my BB friends so much, but I am closest to Dublin

  1. Most memorable event from the BB this year

Flashing GM the thong!

  1. Poster who you want to “vote off the island”

I would be a meanie if I listed them - but pretty much everyone here is great

  1. Thing you would change most about the BB

I wish it would play music when you clicked on. Like "You Shook Me All Night Long.

  1. What you like best about the BB

How much I have learned from everyone’s else’s vast experience. Ane the poeple I have met, have “met” online, and have re-met!

  1. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live?

I am now even more of a bitch about wearing approved helmets that I was before.

  1. In general - how was 2001 for you?

Every day that we are blessed with is a gift.