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2021 Talent Search Finals - East

They’re equitation horses, so no. Not required to jog. Some of them double in the hunters (Charisma) but most do not so….no soundness eval. This is a very nice crop of horses in this class I will say!

Has this announcer never heard the name Dominic before? He keeps putting the emPHAsis on the wrong sylLAble.


I was just thinking the same thing :joy:. “Dom-AH-nic”

I’m here watching live and unfortunately it’s really starting to pour. Oh, NJ…

It wouldn’t be USET weekend if it didn’t!


It even once famously poured on the USET west finals. In September. In Los Angeles. The electricity also went out so they couldn’t move it to the covered. They sent all the exhibitors for the regular show home and forged (sloshed?) onward with the USET. I think GM was one of the judges that year and he thought the rain was a fine thing.

Dude it’s literally not that hard to just say Dominic.

I miss the dulcet tones of Kenn Marash sometimes.


1st: Natalie Jayne - Heritage Farm
2nd: Dominic Gibbs - Beacon Hill
3rd: Audrey Schulze - Capital Hill
4th: Luke Jensen - North Run
5th: Mimi Gochman - Ken Berkeley/Amanda Derbyshire
6th: Eleanor Rudnicki - Barry Porter
7th: Alexander Alston - North Run
8th: Catalina Peralta - Wendy Ritter Peralta/Beacon Hill
9th: Eva Fischerman - North Run
10th: Taylor Madden - Capital Hill

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Charisma is not interested in posing in this rain. Can’t blame him.

It literally sounds like he’s saying “Dominique” instead of Dominic. Oye.

Someone give me the mic, I’ll do the announcing and it’ll be better than this.

Congrats to “Natalie Dane,” indeed.

Natalie rode all 4 horses so well and seemed so composed on all. Congrats to her!


I feel like Natalie has been knocking at the door for a few years now with rounds that my late trainer would have called “almost a genius” ride. I’m glad to see her have her moment in the sun*, she’s clearly worked really hard for it. :blush:

  • Metaphorically speaking, obviously. No sun to be seen at USET finals.

Huh, apparently the asterisk makes a bullet point. Who knew.

….and Natalie from Ill-a-NOISE!

Natalie Medlock won it that year.

I was screaming at the screen! There used to be a commercial in the South for a huge chiropractic clinic that featured Dominique Wilkins the NBA player. the tagline was “Be Like Dominique” !!!
Maybe that’s what was in the announcers head :joy::joy: