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2022 Foal Watch?

I’m loving seeing all these pretty fillies!

Arielle is at day 327 this morning. She’s starting to show some filling down into her teat ends now, but not completely. Milk pH looks to be about 7.8. The milk coming from one side is still in the lemonade stage, but the other side is producing a thick, creamy, sticky, almost stringy substance. I’ve never seen anything quite like that? She must be getting a lot of internal pressure, because her varicose veins were seriously amped up this morning. Her tail and hindquarters look a bit like a murder scene. Ick. Luckily I have several hours to get her cleaned up before the camera crew gets here. :expressionless:

My colt only is haltered for short leading sessions. I don’t ever leave halters on during turnout- not on anyone. He is super easy. He follows me almost as much as he follows his mother. You can walk right up and slide the halter on. My mare is already teaching him to load in the trailer. She will jump in anyone’s trailer if you leave the door open. He has already figured out where the best bushes are for itching and how to flip the buckets over to search for leftover grain. He’s a bit fearless at this stage… My mare doesn’t spook at much so I’m hoping he’s going to be just as brave. I thought he might react to the lawn mower today and I could get some pictures of him running around, but the grass was too tempting and lawn mowers just aren’t exciting. Plus it’s hot and humid, so why run around when you can eat?

daughter’s new foal, name is Prairie Hill Imagination, barn name is Figment or Fig for short

He is now two weeks old, this a photo of mom and son at about nine days


@clanter what a lovely mare and foal.

He is gorgeous, @clanter! What a lovely neck and shoulder on that boy.

Four days ago, I’d have said it was highly unlikely Arielle would still be pregnant today (at day 330). Yet here we are. Her vulva is so relaxed it is gaping open slightly at the bottom, her entire rump is Jello, and her belly is so low it looks painful. She is barely moving at all (voluntarily), and her hind legs look are so stocked up they look like they belong to a draft horse - she’s a 13.2 hand Arab! She enjoys her icing and cold hosing sessions but is not such a fan of the hand walking. Her udder and milk are still saying we’re at least a few days away, though. That’s a stage she could stay in for a few hours or more than a week…Sigh. The last couple of days have been just beautiful - highs in the low 80s with minimal humidity. Next week? Heat indexes in the triple digits. :hot_face:

Her daughter Sydney gets bred (for the third time this season) today, as soon as the shipment gets to the clinic. Tracking shows that it’s already on the truck for delivery. Financially, I’m going to have to give up with her if she doesn’t take on this cycle.

So. Much. Stress.


full disclosure, we are not Prairie Hill Morgans, our horses are presented under our farm name of Sanctuary Morgans

mare is

my daughter bought her 2019 foal who did very well, at two he won the Morgan Sport Horse In Hand Championships (national and world)

so Fig has some great shoes to fill but we know the breeder, they know us and we both hope that Fig will follow in half brother’s hoof steps


Fingers crossed for Sydney today! And it wouldn’t be Arielle if she didn’t keep you waiting…and waiting…and waiting…:laughing:

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What an adorable foal @clanter!

Not to pile on your stress, but you know, I’ve seen all the terrible things thanks to growing up in this plus my past job working with high risk pregnancy mares…

But your pictures and descriptions have me worried about hydrops or twins or body wall tears…

I always worry about the bad things, too. Arielle is enormous but not hydrops-level enormous, if that makes sense. She’s 13.2 and short-backed, so there really is nowhere for the baby to go except down and out. She was ultrasounded at 14, 30, and 70 days; you can’t ever 100% rule out twins, of course. I do worry about tears or a prepubic tendon rupture when they get this low, though she’s not that bad (yet?).

She just likes to make me nervous, I swear.

She seems like she would do well on my farm. I seem to collect the high drama ones despite my efforts not to. :rofl:


thanks, he is at their ranch in North Dakota for now (high temp there today is 79F while here in Fort Worth it is only going to be 105F) …so he is staying (boarded) on their ranch until October

They really, really do a great job handling the young stock. All the previous horses of theirs that my daughter has had all were just wonderful, easy to work with and delighted to please

Fig was purchased in utero back in January so really had little idea as to just what was coming

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I mean, she is a chestnut…pony…Arab…mare! :rofl: Through and through. But she is the sweetest little thing, and I have fallen madly in love with her. She definitely epitomizes the Arabian war mare who would walk through fire for “her” person, but she’s quite aloof and watchful with strangers. And she DOES NOT hide her feelings about anything. Ever.

Her daughter Sydney is equally sweet but much more gregarious. I call her my 1,000 pound Golden Retriever. Lol. She is also a drama magnet. Her registered name is TCR Accidentaly Dunit, and she’d had her third emergency vet visit and second set of sutures by the time she was 13 months old.


@clanter maybe not for this thread, but I haven’t seen any recent post on how Socrates is these days? He’s 3 now, right?
The new baby is cute, hopefully this time he won’t come home in the middle of a snowstorm!

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I will explain in a new thread in Off Course

was hard to write but here is the update

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Oh, @clanter, that’s awful. I’m so very, very sorry.


Oh no, @clanter! Oh, he was a beautiful young horse and your daughter had done so well with him. I’m so sorry. I’m glad Fig is on the ground and will be coming your way in six months or so.

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this is Socrates at the Morgan Nationals 2021, he was three years old doing intro Dressage. He stood just at 16h which is pretty tall for an old line Morgan


Oh @clanter. I am so sorry. So very sorry.

got two more new pictures of the foal today, Fig will be two weeks old on Monday


Oh no @clanter. I am so sorry to hear about Socrates. What heartbreak. Fig has some big shoes to fill.

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