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2023 Maryland 5* at Fair Hill

Piggy March!

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official Entries;



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Such a small field. :frowning_face:

I know itā€™s a bit bigger than last year, but there are so many notable absences this year. Most of them have obvious reasons, yet itā€™s still disappointing. Plus weā€™ll surely have scratches.

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more time for shopping?

ETA Contessa took a nasty fall yesterday at Plantation. Hopefully sheā€™s ok.

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No Canadians in the 5*. I know we sent a team to Europe, but I wish we had more depth and some up and comers able to take advantage of the fall 5*.


It seems like a lot of riders, USA and Canada alike, are in a lull between 5 star horses. :confused:

Covid restrictions are now playing their way through the upper levels.


And possibly the updated and tougher MERs.

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Could you describe the COVID situation a bit better? Sorry, Iā€™m in the USA and there are very few if any COVID restrictions here now.


Iā€™m not @Willesdon but I assume what is meant is that 2 years of canceled and limited competitions globally means that now we are seeing less horses ready to move up to the 5* level.

Older horses are retiring from the level but there arenā€™t as many younger horses (or riders for that matter) prepared for it because of the disruption.


Thank you @Texarkana, just so.


That makes sense, sadly.

We had a shortage of good riding horses of prime age (around 10) a few years back because of the economic troubles of 2008-2010. A lot of breeders did not breed much, or stopped breeding entirely. It actually went on for longer than that. That combined with COVID really does cause issues.

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Same here in the UK. The 2008 crash still has an impact on the national herd.

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Itā€™s a bit of the perfect storm of things going wrong. Covid, the lingering impacts of the Great Recession, plus current inflation. I was listening to one 5 star rider say he has a horse ready to go at the level but no funding to compete. He doesnā€™t want to sell, and might even take a loss on the deal. But the money just isnā€™t there right now to compete the horse as needed.

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Pau is the week after;


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Somehow they need to be able to get the entry numbers higher. Right now, there are only 28 5* entries listed. That only includes 7 non North American riders. Itā€™s really hard to call it an international event. That few riders doesnā€™t even give a spectator enough time to see the whole XC course ridden.

Even if you factor in the 3* which has no non North American Riders, its not worth the 3 hr drive it would take me to go there.

They really do need to do something to attract more true international riders. Maybe doubling the prize money would draw more.

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I have to ask, why does Maryland 5* need more people from off this continent? It just happens that this continent only has 2 countries (Iā€™m aware there are more than 2 countries in NA read the next part) that do a lot of Eventing. Of course thereā€™s more countries attending Pau, thereā€™s a crap load of countries mashed together. Iā€™m not an expert but arenā€™t these entries around what Kentucky was?


it could be the cost exceeds the profit. And it costs SO much money to come from across the pond. They wonā€™t come unless they think they can win. There are a lot of people in Europe, but there arenā€™t that many 5* people here.

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I attended some of the state level meetings on this and there is a lot of money invested in the 5 star. I want to see it succeed.

In my mind, fields of only 20 something are not going to be viable forever. I donā€™t have any budgetary info to back that assumption up, but I know they want to make this a world premier event. Thatā€™s hard to do when your own continent doesnā€™t even show up for it.

I tend to take the success of Fair Hill super personally, as not only a Maryland tax payer but also someone with a lot of connection to the place. I grew up a stones throw away trail riding there, showing there, eventually working at the training center there. My family is still local. I want to see it do well and get the same prestige as Kentucky.

ETA: ok, I think I totally misinterpreted your question. When you said ā€œoff this continentā€ I thought you meant from North America. Re-reading, I think you meant why do we need more Euro, etc. entries. In which case, I would agree the international entries from across the pond are about equivalent to Kentucky and donā€™t think we necessarily need ā€œmore.ā€ I would just like to see more entries period.


yes sorry it was someone else who had stated there are only 7 non NA teams. And I guess I donā€™t know why there needs to be any non NA teams?

Also are there a bunch of NA 5* horses that arenā€™t attending, that instead fly to Europe?

Iā€™m not from MD but I live an hour away in PA and I LOVE this 5* and I want it to be viable, but covid really did put a damper on events for 2 solid years. Are these numbers way different than Kentucky? I didnā€™t think they were?