2023 Maryland 5* at Fair Hill


Thanks for the update.

So I guess they aren’t even doing their course walk promised to those who purchased tail gating?!? Or are they keeping that on the DL?

Where is the Timber Field for the YEH jumping on Friday? Is it on the “old” Fair Hill Int’l property, and is it walkable from the general parking area? If anyone has a link to a map of the grounds, that would be great!

Bummer: Tim Price announced via Instagram that Falco had surgery for what they thought was colic, but turned out to be a benign tumor in his stomach. Love TP and had hoped to see him defend his title. Also: for the obsessive weather-watchers and outerwear planners – looks like 50 percent chance of rain on Saturday, although hopefully stopping before both XC divisions.


It was Katie Haase who responded…she’s the ticket and hospitality manager, so if anyone would know about sponsored course walks included with tailigating packages it would be her.

I’m here now and will be all week, so if I hear otherwise I will post.

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The YEH jumping is actually in the center of the first bit and last bit of the main XC just down from the vendor area and main arena. Super easy to navigate!

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Great, thanks!

The timber field is up near the stadium and the vendors - so easy access! I think you were thinking of the first year when it was out in the Sawmill Field…where the unrec fair hill events take place (and the recognized ones before they moved a lot of that over to the gallaher side this past year or two). It was a hike out there and a lot of folks didn’t know where it was/how to get there…much more spectator friendly out in the timber field!

Thank you!

Per the tailgating ticket write up on the purchase tickets link, there was no promise of a course walk to those who purchased tailgating spaces. The write up said " Access to walk alongside over four miles of this year’s exciting Cross Country Courses up close and personal to all the action and beauty of Fair Hill on Saturday".
I saw on FB that Buckeye Feeds is sponsoring a course walk with Allison Springer on Friday after the last 3* dressage horse goes. Meet at the startbox. This is the only course walk I’ve seen or heard about Hopefully there may be more forthcoming


Ride iQ coaches Jen & Kyle Carter’s shared their Maryland 5* Preview & Predictions today. Link to the recording here :link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfyT1Z-PVl4


I really enjoyed the Ride IQ course walk with Kyle Carter and Sharon White last year. Glad to hear Buckeye and Allison Springer are doing something similar this time around. It’s a really cool way to get a look at the course and a glimpse into the minds of high-level riders. (Because my BN impression of each fence was simply :scream:)

Here’s the FB post about it: https://facebook.com/events/s/maryland-5-star-course-walk-wi/179663101848568/




We’ve been over there several times a day since the end of last week to bring all the plants for decorating the venue and some of the rings- they are definitely in the last minute scramble today lol but things are really coming together. Here’s to hoping the rain stays away on Saturday


I went on Saturday and volunteered in the pouring rain. Typical Fair Hill.


Thank you for volunteering, especially in the rain!

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I’m seeing rain all morning for Saturday. Bought tailgating and now almost everyone has had to cancel. So I’ll be sitting there with my dog I guess :slight_smile:


Sneak peek of our set up, we are just inside the main gate. Look for the pink!


Thank you to all the volunteers, both the pre-event setup crew and the ones helping out in the midst of the action! Your efforts are so important and appreciated!

I’m planning to go rain or shine. Even a rainy/cold day at Fair Hill is better than a day in the non-horsey “real” world! Would love to connect with any others who make it up.


Without Volunteers there would be no horse trials so thank you thank you thank you