2023 Maryland 5* at Fair Hill

I’m an endurance rider not an event rider but I board my horses at Fair Hill and either run or ride there almost daily (and have been for over 30 years). The terrain at Fair Hill looks easy and just rolling but it’s very deceptive. There is almost nothing actually flat in Fair Hill and it averages 100’ to 150’ of elevation gain per mile.


Do you mind reporting back what you think of the stability leathers? I’ve been eyeing them but haven’t seen any of their leather in person.

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So full disclosure I LOVE everything about Remarkable Leather Goods from the owner Olivia to the quality.
I own 3 halters, and 2 lead ropes from them and just ordered the new phone holder. I plan to buy the bridle when it comes out in November. So I’m probably pretty biased :grin: But I’ll happily take pictures and report back with my thoughts Saturday evening/Sunday.


Say hello when you stop by Remarkable Leather Goods!


Is anyone having trouble watching the livestream? I clicked link my USEF and double checked it’s up to date but it’s still not allowing me to watch. I did email CMH as well to see if they can resolve this, I just want to watch dancing ponies while working. :sweat_smile:

Can you get MD public TV?

I don’t think so… I’m in Canada. Let me look it up though!

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I didn’t find a vendor list. Does Thermatex have a booth?

I get a notice that the video isn’t available in my area, that would’ve been a brilliant 2nd option though!

Some exciting but necessary things, so far I got new winter riding gloves and a dressage whip. I also was a big dummy and wore short socks with my tall Dublins….so I had to buy some tall riding socks :sweat_smile: I won’t make that mistake again.

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is the video available just with a USEF membership or is a CMH also required?

You can view it with just a fan membership (free.)

I must be doing something wrong bc I keep getting sent to the CMF subscription page

My live stream just did the spinny loading wheel but never loaded. Hope it works this afternoon.

That’s what mine is doing as well, I emailed CMH regarding this issue. No response yet.

On the computer I logged in on yesterday, I was able to get the feed to start. On either my ipad or my home computer, it just shows ads and sends me back to the subscription page. I have tried several different browsers and updated Chrome and still nothing. I’ve seen every ad they offer, though :wink:


Try this; https://youtu.be/9HzqzgiGQHE?feature=shared
I don’t know if it will work if you have a Canadian IP# (It should if you have a VPN)

I logged into USEF, clicked on the livestream link. It then takes you to the CMH link. Click on the Premium. It will then ask you to link your USEF account. You may have to login again. Then you’ll be able to view (hopefully!)

Yes I did all those steps, I wasn’t sure if a USEF fan account was enough so I paid the $25USD for the membership and still not getting access. Very annoying. I know I watched it last year.