2024 Olympics - Eventing

Just a thread to talk about the sport and how exciting it is that it’s time for another Olympics!

As a huge US eventing fan, I’m really excited about this team. I think we’ve chosen very strategically to suit the type of course and the venue that’s expected. I could be wrong, but I feel so much better than I did going into to Tokyo about our odds.

If it’s a tough time on the type of course everyone is expecting, I’d like all our pairs’ chances at a medal, but look out for Off the Record if I had to pick one. This is his course and Will has been his rider for a decade… I think people underestimate how fast that horse is on an intense course and he can show jump too.

No drop score, no feel for the course, no feel for the time always makes it hard to predict - but that is definitely part of what makes it exciting!


Even before start of the competition, there’s been a big shakeup to the German team:
Sandra Auffahrt is being replaced by Julia Krajewski, as Viamant de Matz is not 100% fit.

Link to German press release:

Sadly, sounds like Timmy is out. Update this morning is that Diabolo will be Will’s horse in the games.

Something must have come up at the vet check?

Very poor timing on my part!

I have no justification at all for this, but I feel like this might have been a strategic substitution vs. a soundness substitution. I’ve rewatched a few of all of the team members events and Diabolo is one that’s looked great from the jump, but has really really come on in the past 6-months.

Hoping Timmy is all good - I’d take a team with Will on both if we could do it!


I thought that about both Bruno and Timmy. But I also think Diabolo and Connor might not be ready for the pressure. But they were the top two at Kentucky. I am happy with Diabolo. He was spectacular in the spring.

Are the riders staying in the Olympic village or do they stay somewhere offsite closer to the comp grounds? I would guess somewhere closer because my google maps search shows the olympic village almost an hour away (??)

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I saw a long format podcast of Boyd, and he said they would be staying on site. ‘right across the street.’
the podcast was with Seth Meyers. It is amazing. He talks about his family in Australia.
It is funny of course, you would expect nothing less from Boyd!


it’s here! US Eventing just posted the course!
I think it is jump 7, looks like they are jumping up the side of a hill. Like the Hickstead Bank in reverse!

7 looks like kind of an irish bank.

I didn’t like the look of 11. It seems like if would be easy for a horse to a leg between the bench and the table.

That first water is intense! Definitely a championship level course. Seems pretty long for a 4*-S technicality too.

I am pleased with the photos. But I hope some one will post photos of the spreads. One at the end looks like a real trap for a horse’s legs.

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running order!


I just signed up for Peacock so I can watch the replays. Super excited!

Where can we find this? The official Olympics site doesn’t seem to have it, or I can’t find it.

All the equestrian teams are staying in separate accommodation near the Chateau de Versailles. Not in the olympic village.


Agree that it might be strategic - maybe looking for those few extra marks in dressage? I don’t think Diabolo would have been named direct reserve if the selectors didn’t feel the two horses were close to equal - :crossed_fingers: it works out.


COTH has posted the photos. Pretty much the same but you can see that ditch a little better, and they seem a little more detail orientated.


A friend who is there as a groom said it’s more like a 4.5* and the time will be really tough to make.

Edited to add: there are plenty of options for the less experienced riders/horses


the double of boats into the water is wicked nasty. IF you jump it as a straight line, you will nearly take out the left flag on the front fence. And if the horse is honest as the day is long and sees his spot, it might be OK, but it is the tightest line I have ever seen. It could be I am just seeing it wrong, but only one angle could be covering a lot.