2024 Olympics - Eventing

It was posted on the Discord for the Eventing podcast by someone at the event!

love to hear it!

boats into water? what fence number?

13 It might not be into water, but I think the second one is. If not, it is very close to water.

Those are just an offset question, not related to water. Pretty common to see on courses even as low as training these days! The Peter Wylde insta stories show a better perspective of some fences.




I have a feeling that horse might be peaking at the right time with Will. He’s not exactly that young or inexperienced, it’s just a new-ish partnership. Plus they just look like they really jive and they’ve done enough together at this point with very very reliable results.

This has probably been shared elsewhere, but eventing is getting some of the best PR you could ask for in the past few weeks (yes, I know what’s going on in dressage world and potential ramifications, this isn’t about that).

It’s another tear jerker:


So here I am on the west coast having a little bout of insomnia. It’s past midnight, and this comes across my feed:

Crap. Horses.

Assuming Liz is now on the team, and Sydney Elliot is now shipping QC Diamantaire in from wherever he was stabled off site to fill the alternate role…

ETA: And I am guessing this explains why Will and Diabolo didn’t come down for the arena familiarization. An EN post made a point of saying that they weren’t in any of the posted pics because they weren’t there.


And since I’m still awake over here, I decided to find out what time the jog was supposed to be, and lo and behold, it’s happening now. EN is doing live updates on Threads. QC Diamantaire did jog for the US, and all US horses were accepted. Lots of horses to hold box - five by my count. Austria’s Lea Seigl and DSP Fighting Line were spun, but the rest were accpted upon representation.

Poor Will, from being a medal contender to being out.

Lizs time to prove her worth!


EN reported that Diabolo had an abscess crop up. Poor Will! Just at the wrong time :pensive:


Gutted for Will. Especially since the USEF update said Off the Record was fine, they just thought Diablo looked sharper.

I don’t really understand how the reserves work. I guess once they declared Diablo for the team roster they couldn’t then go back to Off the Record?


well that is terrible. I just got up, and spun over to EN I had planned to go thru their live blog, but I saw the results, so I just went there. I read the little blurb above, and it looks like Diabolo had the absess, and I had thought it was Timmy. Oh how awful for him. But at least Liz will get to ride, and that is a good thing.

Horses! Damn ……

Why couldn’t Off the Record be subbed back in?

First Tammie now Will​:sob::sob::sob:


My thoughts exactly!!!

It must be some roster rule thing. But how awful to ship two top horses across the ocean, switch horses only because one looked more competitive, then have him go off and be out of the whole thing. I hope they can hit up some European events or something and make it worth the trip.

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On a side note, I’m excited Sydney gets this experience.