2024 Olympics - Eventing

it is listed in the US on USA cable channel. But only 2 hours.

the commentators appear to be Jon Kyle and Lucinda Green!


i think she said Shane’s horse is the only full thoroughbred competing


ugh, here come the commercials. If I signed up for commercial free, could I get it? I really only do not want to miss a minute of xc.

I was about to scream too, but it was only 30 seconds at most, and CBC is free coverage, so I cannot complain.


happy for Mike Winter. not in the same league as Julia but not many are, and his score is competitive with IRL and AUS first riders.


Commercials. I also signed up for no ads. Frustrating. But maybe there would be lots more with the regular subscription

Poor Sarah…the mare really got a fright at some ghost

thanks for mentioning that. I have noticed on You Tube some commercials are only 5 seconds long!

the scoring page is interesting. And it updates IMMEDIATELY.

score for each move, almost in live time - fabulous

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I got that for a few, but it is now gone. Wonder how to get it back. how is she scoring?

i dont have it on the livestream page anymore either, but each movement is here
though it does not have a running comparison to leading score.

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the 2nd commercial was only about 10 seconds. phew

there must be a delay in the video, ans the scores are coming up before you see the actual movement

They’re on a short break right now, currently dragging the ring. Do you have a link for ride times? I can’t find it anywhere.

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And I think the individual scores are at the top of the page. When the rider is in the ring.

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As expected, the venue looks gorgeous.

I don’t love how fast things happen in the test, but it is what is it. Scoring seems maybe a tad conservative so far, but it’s hard to show much brilliance when the next movement is always coming up so quickly. I do love seeing the riders who are smiling.

Happy to see we’ve got John and Lucinda commentating - my only nitpicky complaint so far is that I struggle to hear them at times due to the venue announcer and ambient noise overpowering the sound feed.

Eventing dressage doesn’t seem to be the hottest ticket - I see lots of empty seats.


the stands are more populated than the first day of Badminton I think or Kentucky. Yeah, I don’t like the test, but you are right. Everyone has the same test to deal with.

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spectators look a bit cold and wet. perhaps the weather discouraged some of the less real eventing enthusiasts.

i was at WEG kentucky (wow was that 20 yrs ago?) on the 2nd day of dressage and the stands were fairly empty… on the positive, I bought a ticket quite late and had a great seat.

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