2024 Olympics - Eventing

Hate it for Will and I’m just going to ignore the very speculative drama mentioned up thread until it’s verified by an actual source. Who knows, but it feels like a really dumb move to create this much team discord if you’re hoping to ever get on another team in the future (“team player” is specifically outlined in the selection criteria, after all).

That being said, I don’t really think this changes much in terms of team expectations. I feel like all 5 of those horses are pretty dead even based on past results.


If that is true… not putting in writing what I think…

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I mean after Canada had to deal with the whole lawsuit, I could honestly see this as a potential possibility. Will subbed a sound horse for one that popped an issue at the 11th hour.

Liz lost out at a chance for Tokyo with Deniro Z when he went unsound before they even shipped if I recall. She is a very competitive rider so I could honestly see her pulling at every option open to her, including threatening litigation, to get the chance to ride at the Olympics. She lost out at the opportunity once and it’s probably not a great feeling.

I feel horrible for Will, but honestly, lesson learned. Don’t sub your sound horse for another because it might not work in your favor. Horrible luck there for him.


I don’t think Liz would be wrong though, he passed on horse 1, horse 2 unfortunately lame, he basically said horse 1 was not fit by passing with them.

It truly sucks for Will, but I wouldn’t blame Liz for fighting for her spot.


this just posted on FB


I’m feeling a lot of mixed emotions right now. I’ve been in Will’s shoes before and I know the pain and disappointment that comes with a last-minute change ahead of the biggest moment in your sporting career and life. I’m devastated for their team – they’ve worked so hard and deserve to be here.

I always knew this was the responsibility of the reserve role, and Bali and I are mentally and physically ready to step in and deliver our best for the team. We’re 100% focused and prepared to head down the centerline and represent our country on Saturday. The USA have an incredible team here in Paris - we are ready to fight hard and give it our all.


I think that’s a fair stance…

I think there are 2 takeaways tho:

  1. Don’t pick your traveling reserve if your named horse is sound
  2. Our rules/guidelines need to be updated so there is less of a grey area. It’s such a nuanced sport with not only the uncontrollable element of horses but also the amount of money that goes into it, so I think the nuance of our rules should match.

As she should.

Will brought two horses. He withdrew the first, and then withdrew the second. Why should he get to “unwithdraw” the first, when there is a traveling reserve specifically for this situation?


I’d love to hear opinions about the x-country course from our experienced eventers.

Anyone? Do you think the countries that are newish to eventing can manage the course? Is it challenging enough for the experienced eventing nations?

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I think it’s super hard to put it into context just from photos. I think just by the photos it is very do-able but time will be a major factor just based on the efforts per min. The water looks pretty intense but I’m sure there are lots of alternate routes.

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I plan to look at the XC course this eve or tomorrow, but I hope it is less “us” Europe and North America, vs “them” less experienced riders from nations that managed to qualify; as compared to the PanAms. CAN, US, BRA completed all their competitors, other PanAm countries had multiple falls, eliminations, etc.

i hope there are options at all the challenging fences to give less experienced riders/nations the option to complete if the straight route is beyond them.

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If you are just looking at photos, you are seeing the direct routes. Each combination (usually) has several, yet VERY time consuming options. The goal of the Olympics usually is to offer alternatives to get as many finishes as possible. The ability to go for “completion” is very achievable, but the option to go for “competitive” is what gets most out!


10-A looks challenging. 14 looks like a big table. 19 and 20 seem pretty big as well.

I can’t comment on the combinations, I’m not experienced enough for that. I hope that everyone can make it around, even if they don’t get the time.

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It sounds like the course is extremely rapid fire, almost arena eventing-like.

A family member of a US team member commented on Will’s post praising him for being the “ultimate professional” amongst other compliments…the way the comment was written just gave off there could be some truth to this. Who knows though.


If you read Bobby Costello’s statement today he said both horses were sound, but they picked Diabolo over Off the Record because Dab “continued to impress at training camp” and then developed an absess at Versailles but jogged up sound last night. It was a Team USA decision to not risk running him. They could have put Off the Record back in…probably should have.


They couldn’t have put him back in, this was confirmed by a friend there as a “rule issue”.


An experienced friend who walked it called it a 4.5*, so definitely difficult enough but with plenty of long options. She thinks the time will be really tough to make. Optimum time is 9:02, for reference Kentucky 5-L was 11:15 and the 4-S was 6:44.


Thanks for your answer. I’m glad it will be challenging, it’s the Olympics after all. I really don’t like the three person team rule. I guess we’ll see what effect (if any) it will have on the riding.

I read the course designers interview, and he said he tried to give options for the more inexperienced teams while still giving them a challenge, and some fences that must be jumped without an option. He also mentioned that he expected Olympic horses to be fit and well conditioned, so perhaps stamina will be tested?

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I am looking at the ride times and I do NOT see breaks in the times. It will be a long day anyway, but do the judges not get a lunch or bathroom break?

CBC sports is live streaming dressage.
Julia in the ring

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