Carina’s 7-month EHV-1 booster this morning coincided with the first day in two weeks that it’s been warm enough to pull her blanket for the day. I’m pleased to see that our recent frigid snap didn’t take too much out of her. She’s a tough old girl and certainly doesn’t look 23 years old!
She feels fine!
I don’t blame you for being anxious, I’d be a nervous wreak. She looks amazing though. Fingers crossed she hangs on to this one.
Fingers and toes crossed for an easy foaling for you, @Fuego1! It would be impossible not to be anxious after what happened with her last year.
Thank you! So far we are doing better than last year. 294 days today and everything looks good. It was around 285 last year where she bagged up and we realized something was wrong.
Well - this thread seemed a little quiet so I bought another mare. She’s due at the end of April. Pictures, name, and pedigree to come!
you’re right, it has been. I’m anxiously awaiting baby pics too!
Can we get a “Day” count from everyone on here whose mare(s) is/are expecting? That way we know who to bug first for updates, lol!
Mine is at Day 245 today
Hop is 271 days & Surprise is 260.
Carina is 223 days today, I believe.
Fionna is 300 days today
We (potentially) have 3 mares due in late Feb/early March, but we’ve had some bad luck in the past couple of years, so I’m too superstitious to say much about them. If we do have foals, I’ll definitely post pictures.
Wish is at 245 today.
Oh my. She’s so round! Very nice looking mare.
Thank you! She is a joy to have in the barn and always outproduces herself.
Okay, sorry I left you all hanging. Here is the new lady shown with her ‘24 filly.
Siprise_Pedigreesreport-36_133828190227419011.pdf (35.0 KB)She is in foal to Charming Kitten for an Indiana accredited foal. I need to come up with a name for her!
Pretty girl! Names…let’s see…
sip–> wine–> Merlot
Pass Rush + Cacophony= football + applause --> Cheer
I vote for the name Blush!