Sorry to pull up an old thread, but I am wanting to try this with my saddle and am unsure how long of a latigo I should look for?
I ordered the DVD from aboutthehorse.com about saddle fitting and I’m about halfway through at this point (just haven’t had time to sit and watch it) and he said that doing the rigging like what Pocket Pony is describing is as effective as using a rear cinch?[/QUOTE]
If you buy the longest one you can find, you can always trim them. If you want to get really fancy, a $5 edger from Tandy leather will make it look nice again. After edging, dampen the edge with water and rub it with a canvas cloth. Last, rub a cake of beeswax (Tandy also) over it and rub it down again.
Or live with the cut edge lol