3rd seizure in 3 days

I am getting desperate for ideas. Just 3 days ago, I had my new horse and was deciding when to ride her, now I am not sure if I will ever ride again. I had a seizure every day for the past three days, went to doctor for first two and he did nada, now I am not sure I want to go. It is dang expensive and he almost does not believe me. So, I am turning to y’all. Any ideas what is wrong? I have migraines that are steadily getting worse, obv seizures, random collapses and loss of motor function, and then times where I feel fine. This has come on over the last 4ish months and I am sick of it. Any ideas what is wrong with me?

You need to see a neurologist ASAP. You also should NOT be driving if you are having active seizures. Depending on your insurance you may or may not need a referral from your PCP. If you don’t need a referral, go online, look up your network providers, pick a neurologist and CALL NOW, and tell them what is going on. If you need a referral and your PCP isn’t cooperating, then next time you have a migraine or seizure have someone take you to the ER, give them your history, and see if they will work it up.

Good luck!

I called a neurologist yesterday and was referred to a shrink, he did not believe so many came on so fast.

Call another neurologist. And another and another until you find someone who will listen and respect your input.

But why? I can’t afford to go in without ideas and just muddle around and spend money, neurologists ain’t cheap ya know. Please, I need ideas about what is wrong!

But why? I can’t afford to go in without ideas and just muddle around and spend money, neurologists ain’t cheap ya know. Please, I need ideas about what is wrong![/QUOTE]

Because you need a thorough workup and an MRI. Something is wrong but it’s hard to know what without the diagnostics. Doctors can be like this so don’t let them beat you down or make you feel like you’re crazy. Call as many as it takes and be persistent and stubborn. There is someone out there who will listen to you and this is very important and worth the effort.

I called another one. They refused to schedule an MRI but said they would do an exam, but the appt is Jan 5.

This is very serious. I would have gone to the ER as soon as I recovered from the seizure. They would have scanned your noggin.

I did and was sent home without a scan, even when I asked for one!

Get tested for a brain tumor. I hope I am wrong. One of my best platonic male friends had some headaches, then suffered a grand mal seizure and found out he had a brain tumor. The doctors in his medical group told him all his problems were because he was “getting old” in his 40s. I hope I am wrong. But get tested.

Go to the ER. AGAIN. Keep calling doctor after doctor. I find it astonishingly hard to believe nobody is taking you seriously. I suspect that you saying “migraine” might be throwing them off.

Your symptoms, especially with rapid onset, justify an emergency MRI to rule out a brain tumor. An MRI like TODAY. Not next week. Not next month. TODAY.

Do not say migraine. Say “headaches”. Unless you have been diagnosed with migraines, do not call it a migraine. Brain tumors do not give you migraines. They give you headaches from increased intracranial pressure.

Bad news. You guys were scaring me with all the brain tumor talk, so I took myself to the er and used headache instead of migraines and I was immediatly taken to an MRI. I am sitting in a waiting room now, waiting for the doctor to come back,.but the tech dude doing the mri was very grim after it was done. Not sure about anything yet, although I am quite scared now.

Please see the psychiatrist if the neurologist referred you. Sometimes seizures can be non-epileptic events that are treated differently than epileptic seizures. The referral to a psychiatrist is a diagnostic component to figure out what the cause of your seizures is and get appropriate treatment. As others have said, please do not drive or do anything that will put you at risk if you have another seizure.

Come Shine, did you not read the last post? Thinking of you wow, please update when you can.

Actually I posted at the same time. So no. Hopefully the results from the scan will be helpful.

Hopefully, it is all ok and some self limited virus or other minor glitch caused the seizures or unexplained episodes. You probably should still see the shrink. New onset seizures are very frightening, and you may need to learn some new coping skills. If you are having seizures, you may be unable to drive until you have been seizure free for 6 months.

Let us know after you get the MRI results and hear what they recommend.

Just got results. I have surgery tomorrow morning, he found a mass. I am so scared right now, not totally sure what is happening… He thinks he can remove it and wants to go in tomorrow, but I am.not suure I can afford it. I don’t know what I am going to do.

if you are not insured, get yourself signed up for coverage on the exchange STAT. That will be effective Jan 1st. Ask the hospital if they have anyone who can help you (make sure your doc and that hospital are part of the network, chances are they will have someone who knows this information). Then ask them if there is any reasonable way this can be managed until after the first of the year. That may not be possible, and your health comes first, BUT ASK. And even if you get the cheapest plan with the highest out of pocket, your maximum bill is $6850 plus premium.

I am so so sorry. No advice except talk to your doctor and their office about your concerns.

Good for you for being diligent! Now you can get it taken care of and be on the road to recovery.

You’ve got this, OP!

You really have no choice. Do you have insurance at all? The hospital should have a social worker type department that can help you navigate insurance, payments or government assistance. Be grateful they found your mass/tumor NOW instead of much later. Positive thoughts for a positive outcome to your surgery. Do you have family that can help or support you? Keep us posted, please.