3rd seizure in 3 days

I love my parents. They are going to pay for it, I do not have any insurance, and the surgery is quite necessary. Now I just have to get through it… Thank god for BBs to dump on I am literally sitting here sobbing, I am going to have to sell my horses and property to help pay for what I can and we still don’t know if I will even pull out of this to make up for it…

First of all, I can’t give you a hug, but please imagine I’m giving you a big one! You need to understand this is out of your control… you must let the doctors do what they can to heal you. Stop worrying about the other things and focus soley on getting better. Mental attitude is VERY important. I don’t know the details of your situation, but I will tell you, a 15-year-old classmate of my daughter’s presented with a mass this summer, and has had surgery and chemo and is doing very well. You are a strong horseperson, you can fight this. Take a bit to cry, then get mad at this thing in your head and decide to beat it! The rest will sort itself out, I promise you. And please keep in touch so we know how you’re doing, o.k.? Now get some rest for your big day tomorrow

Going in for surgery now, hoping all goes well… I will try to post later today if I feel okay, but maybe tomorrow. Thank you guys.for all your support and suggesting I go get an mri, you saved me quite a lot of pain and quite possibly death, so glad for all of you here to support me

Jingles, OP. Will be thinking of you all day!


Good luck

Jingling vigorously! Feel better!

Sending a horse van full of Jingles & AO for you ! ((hugs))

Sending a horse van of Jingles & AO for you !

((hugs)) laced with strength and patience ~ [/B]

God Bless you wow. Please know that we will be waiting to hear from you.

Will be thinking of you and keep us posted as you feel up to it!!!

Get tested for a brain tumor. I hope I am wrong. One of my best platonic male friends had some headaches, then suffered a grand mal seizure and found out he had a brain tumor. The doctors in his medical group told him all his problems were because he was “getting old” in his 40s. I hope I am wrong. But get tested.[/QUOTE]
One of my doctor colleagues had the same thing happen while he was in medical school. Seizure,headaches,brain tumor.
Have you had any head injuries?

Just got results. I have surgery tomorrow morning, he found a mass. I am so scared right now, not totally sure what is happening… He thinks he can remove it and wants to go in tomorrow, but I am.not suure I can afford it. I don’t know what I am going to do.[/QUOTE]

Holy cow! So sorry and wishing you a speedy recovery.

Going in for surgery now, hoping all goes well… I will try to post later today if I feel okay, but maybe tomorrow. Thank you guys.for all your support and suggesting I go get an mri, you saved me quite a lot of pain and quite possibly death, so glad for all of you here to support me[/QUOTE]

Jingling like crazy!

Many hugs and prayers to you.

I’ve been thinking about you all day since I read this this morning. How scary! Thank goodness you persisted and found doctors that would listen. Hugs, prayers, and positive thoughts to you! Speedy healing vibes, too!

Me, too!

I hope that it was a successful surgery, and that you are in recovery or even asleep in your hospital room. More jingles for you and your family!

Wow I feel awful, but I am alive :yes: just woke up 20 mins ago or so and I feel miserable, I can’t feel anything or move but hopefully will be able to soon (my mom is typing) thank y’all for the jingles!

Wow, hope you have a full and quick recovery

Wow, thanks for posting an update. Good to hear you made it through surgery!

Give recovery some time for things to kick in and keep us posted!!!

Thank you ‘wow’ mom ! ((Hugs)) for all of you !

Thank you for updating ! WOW !

Thoughts and prayers and ((hugs)) and

JINGLES & AO for a smooth recovery !

  • wow … You certainly chose the most [U]
    appropriate username !

WOW ![/U]

Thanks again for your update ~ now for rest & recovery ~[/B]