3rd seizure in 3 days

Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery!

Take care of yourself and keep us posted. You’re a prime example of why you’ve got to persist when you think there’s something wrong and the doctors don’t seem to believe you. You must be terribly shocked after going through so much in such a short time. You’ve got lots of people here thinking of you and wishing you well.

I have already made my nurses hate me… She came in with an applesauce and made me eat it, and asked if I wanted any more, so I said “tumor” (two more) and apparently that wasn’t very funny… oh well. I still can’t move my legs or feel them but my arms are back too normal, and I am already desperately bored. Thank goodness for the archives :smiley:

‘W-ingles’ for WOW ! AO for a Sunday of R&R !

‘W-ingles’ for WOW !

AO ~ your Sunday is peaceful ~ [/B]

wow, glad your sense of humor is returning and that you are starting to feel better :slight_smile:

Bored? Sleep is one of the best recovery tools there is… (well, and COTH :wink: ).

wow, glad your sense of humor is returning and that you are starting to feel better :slight_smile:

Bored? Sleep is one of the best recovery tools there is… (well, and COTH :wink: ).[/QUOTE]

Yes, but I have been sleeping since I last posted, so like 12 hours, and I can’t roll onto my back and watch tv. :frowning:

May you have a speedy recovery.

Good job! Feel better!

Thanks for updating. I’m glad you are doing well enough to joke with the nurses. Try to get up and around as soon as they will let you move. You don’t want to get pneumonia or clots from lying still in bed. Hopefully, they will get PT in soon to help you build up some strength and get your legs working well again. It is common to feel like you are made of jello after surgery and bed rest. Do you know what the lesion was or are they still waiting on the pathology?

Well, found out tumor was not cancerous, and most likely won’t come back so no chemo. However, the positioning of the tumor and the surgery (not sure which) damaged the brain stem, hence the reason I cannot feel my legs. I’m paralyzed from the waist down. Not sure how I feel, I am still processing, but maybe it can heal? Trying to keep my hopes up but I am crushed to have gone through all this and to have this happen. Will keep updated.

“not cancerous”

OK, this is Huge, (as in Really Huge)!! So very glad, dear!!!

Re: your lower body - often when the swelling goes down, things turn out great. (I’m a long time medical professional, btw.)

Lots of soft hugs and a big, soft, smushy kiss to you and big congrats on the good news!

I’m glad it was not cancer and should not come back. Many times, as swelling goes down and nerves start working again, people can do more and more. See what the surgeon says, but many times they are overly pessimistic. Are you going to go to a rehab center like The National Rehab Center in Washington, DC or any of the many big name rehab hospitals that can help? Talk with the PTs at your hospital and find out about the best places for your type of injury. Then see if the social workers can get you signed up for insurance or Medicaid that will help pay for your rehab.

I cannot imagine how you could have gotten those results back in less that 24 hours. Something is not adding up in the timeline for a variety of reasons, 75 minutes after someone posting you needed to go to hospital and say headaches, you not only got into the emergency room, but had a full MRI, which itself would have taken 30 minutes at least, probably an hour, they find a mass and you have brain surgery the next morning? Then you are talking online less than 12 hours after deep sedation for brain surgery and you have the results? All without having any medical insurance, which was not an issue until you were going into surgery? If all of this is true everyone needs to live where you do. You can’t even get seen in an emergency hospital under less than an hour unless you are bleeding out or in heart arrest.

I cannot imagine how you could have gotten those results back in less that 24 hours. Something is not adding up in the timeline for a variety of reasons, 75 minutes after someone posting you needed to go to hospital and say headaches, you not only got into the emergency room, but had a full MRI, which itself would have taken 30 minutes at least, probably an hour, they find a mass and you have brain surgery the next morning? Then you are talking online less than 12 hours after deep sedation for brain surgery and you have the results? All without having any medical insurance, which was not an issue until you were going into surgery? If all of this is true everyone needs to live where you do. You can’t even get seen in an emergency hospital under less than an hour unless you are bleeding out or in heart arrest.[/QUOTE]

Yeah especially after having some damage to the brainstem unless she’s some freak of nature to heal that fast without major complications or death from a damaged brain stem.

OP: I wish you all the best.

Dear Wow, I am putting on my ‘bossy boots’ to say, " you NEED to sleep."

You have a traumatic brain injury! The injury was done with the best of intentions to repair another issue, but a traumatic injury it is. You must sleep to give your brain a chance to repair it’s self. So let your body do what it needs to do, these first few days after surgery are critical to your recovery.

There are many bio feedback techniques and meditation techniques that will help later. as may physical therapy. But for now, sleep, rest, eat, and heal.


Wow, some of us on COTH are tough and skeptical. Don’t let it bother you. Lots of jingles for you as you get better. Keep us updated, but do get some sleep if you can.

Well, found out tumor was not cancerous, and most likely won’t come back so no chemo. However, the positioning of the tumor and the surgery (not sure which) damaged the brain stem, hence the reason I cannot feel my legs. I’m paralyzed from the waist down. Not sure how I feel, I am still processing, but maybe it can heal? Trying to keep my hopes up but I am crushed to have gone through all this and to have this happen. Will keep updated.[/QUOTE]

This does seem very odd. Just on Nov 30 Wow, you were posting as a new user asking about riding the pregnant mare you just got, and asking about a Border Collie as a dog breed choice. That they dog would be going on rounds with you, when you became a large animal vet. Unclear if you are/were an undergrad, or in a vet school.

Reminds me of a poster on the old UDBB who had a series of posts about medical issues that seemed to come fast and furious, and became not-believable.
I will be looking forward to updates. I think I have the whole thread from UDBB saved. Will be interesting to compare. But Wow, I do want to wish you well!

I cannot imagine how you could have gotten those results back in less that 24 hours. Something is not adding up in the timeline for a variety of reasons, 75 minutes after someone posting you needed to go to hospital and say headaches, you not only got into the emergency room, but had a full MRI, which itself would have taken 30 minutes at least, probably an hour, they find a mass and you have brain surgery the next morning? Then you are talking online less than 12 hours after deep sedation for brain surgery and you have the results? All without having any medical insurance, which was not an issue until you were going into surgery? If all of this is true everyone needs to live where you do. You can’t even get seen in an emergency hospital under less than an hour unless you are bleeding out or in heart arrest.[/QUOTE]

Ever heard of emergency surgery? As some of you mentioned, they are kind of a big deal and something that causes them should.probably be removed quickly, IMO. Small hospital, not uber busy, easy to get in and have MRI done, which not busy doctor can view almost immediately and radiologist can see right away. No, I do not have medical insurance. Never have needed it until now, last time I went to a doctor was.almost ten years ago. Have you ever had deep sedation surgery? Depending on the length of the operation, 5 hrs in this case, I was in recovery for 4 and slept for 2ish in a room. According to doc that’s perty normal. Again,.ER was almost empty and the fact that I was having seizures had them hustle a bit. And why on God’s great green earth would you think I was lying to you?

Well, found out tumor was not cancerous, and most likely won’t come back so no chemo. However, the positioning of the tumor and the surgery (not sure which) damaged the brain stem, hence the reason I cannot feel my legs. I’m paralyzed from the waist down. Not sure how I feel, I am still processing, but maybe it can heal? Trying to keep my hopes up but I am crushed to have gone through all this and to have this happen. Will keep updated.[/QUOTE]
Wow,I am so sorry! I sure hope their wrong.