3rd seizure in 3 days

Wow, some of us on COTH are tough and skeptical. Don’t let it bother you. Lots of jingles for you as you get better. Keep us updated, but do get some sleep if you can.[/QUOTE]

I’m trying but have you ever sat in bed for like 20 hours and stared at the side of a bed? All I can do is think of one liners to tell the nurses and play games on my phone… Oh my. This will be a long 2 weeks.

Glad that the believed you! Sending jingles for a full recovery. Maybe the nerves have to get rebooted from the surgery. I had that happen when I have a TLIF, I couldn’t feel anything in my back until the swelling went down. Keep us posted!

My best one liner was when I woke up the day after surgery and the nurse (a male) was taking out my catheter, I said “sorry I didn’t get the brazilian for you” he was red faced and I was laughing.

Glad that the believed you! Sending jingles for a full recovery. Maybe the nerves have to get rebooted from the surgery. I had that happen when I have a TLIF, I couldn’t feel anything in my back until the swelling went down. Keep us posted!

My best one liner was when I woke up the day after surgery and the nurse (a male) was taking out my catheter, I said “sorry I didn’t get the brazilian for you” he was red faced and I was laughing.[/QUOTE]

Haha thanks for posting that, I need a good laugh…I am desperately hoping the nerves are just temporarily screwed up, because I don’t know what I would do if I can’t walk again. I start PT soon, so hopefully that will help too.

PT will help. Do start looking into rehab hospitals, as you may be out of the hospital amazingly fast. A top notch rehab hospital can get you functioning. Some have charitable funds and can get Medicaid to help pay for your rehab. Certain rehab hospitals care for lots of young adults. In what part of the country are you located? Maybe COTHers can suggest some places to investigate so you can look at their programs.

Wow, I sure missed a lot over the weekend! I’m so, so glad you didn’t wait and didn’t let the doctors discourage you. I’m also so glad you don’t have cancer! Best wishes for your recovery. Hopefully the loss of feeling is due to swelling and will be temporary. Please keep us updated!

Bumping for an update.

Multiple red flags:

OP joined on Nov 30th.
OP then posted about migraines and seizures a few days later. This is supposed to be a horse board. Why join to post about seizures when the woman should have been at a doctor’s office, a private doctor, if she was rejected at emergency room

OP did not call for ambulance when she had 3 seizures? Nor did her friends or family or whomever was with her when she had them?

OP has no insurance but is adult with she says her own place and own horses? Where does she work and why doesn’t she have insurance?

OP cannot get anyone to take her seriously at hospital, but when brain tumor is suggested (wish I’d never posted that) she ends up with surgery next day.

Surgeon doesn’t tell her that tumor is in area which may cause paralysis? And surgeon didn’t visit her, before or while she was posting, to discuss paralysis? First with upper extremities then with lower.

Surgeons have brain tumor patients up and walking same day of surgery. Or at least in a wheel chair. Yes my friend was walking down the hall with his IV line trailing, and a nurse and I steadying him.

No follow up radiation? Even non cancerous tumor removal usually requires radiation to make sure all of the tumor is zapped. And they can reoccur.

Other red flags, including the behavior of the OP in her posts post-surgery.

I think we were had.


I think we were had.[/QUOTE]

well, not unless she starts asking for money. :slight_smile:

Multiple red flags:

OP joined on Nov 30th.
OP then posted about migraines and seizures a few days later. This is supposed to be a horse board. Why join to post about seizures when the woman should have been at a doctor’s office, a private doctor, if she was rejected at emergency room

OP did not call for ambulance when she had 3 seizures? Nor did her friends or family or whomever was with her when she had them?

OP has no insurance but is adult with she says her own place and own horses? Where does she work and why doesn’t she have insurance?

OP cannot get anyone to take her seriously at hospital, but when brain tumor is suggested (wish I’d never posted that) she ends up with surgery next day.

Surgeon doesn’t tell her that tumor is in area which may cause paralysis? And surgeon didn’t visit her, before or while she was posting, to discuss paralysis? First with upper extremities then with lower.

Surgeons have brain tumor patients up and walking same day of surgery. Or at least in a wheel chair. Yes my friend was walking down the hall with his IV line trailing, and a nurse and I steadying him.

No follow up radiation? Even non cancerous tumor removal usually requires radiation to make sure all of the tumor is zapped. And they can reoccur.

Other red flags, including the behavior of the OP in her posts post-surgery.

I think we were had.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. Plus how many other Cothers had brain surgery and we didn’t hear from them for awhile. I haven’t had brain surgery but have had other surgeries and for the first couple of days I couldn’t focus or put up with playing on my phone let alone responding on the internet.

Some people just thrive/live for attention.

I had given the person the benefit of the doubt for a bit as I used to work in medicine. I’ve seen things present & people acts in ways not quite typical but it’s still real. But, yeah, I think we got snookered. Why would someone do this? Attention?

I have had brain surgery… I think I was posting to facebook that evening in between sleeping to let everyone know I was OK. It wasn’t coherent if I remember and my Dr. Was there frequently and explained everything that was going on as I recovered. It was 4 days In neuro ICU before I could go home.

just hoping this person was not SO attention seeking that Jingles were wasted, sadly it appears that Was the case…shameful

How does a waste of jingles really matter?!

How does a waste of jingles really matter?![/QUOTE]

tongue in cheek humor sorry ! I’ll delete :lol:

Alas, that’s why I bumped it. I wanted to see if wow was going to try to continue the prank.

So bizarre.

Multiple red flags:

OP joined on Nov 30th.
OP then posted about migraines and seizures a few days later. This is supposed to be a horse board. Why join to post about seizures when the woman should have been at a doctor’s office, a private doctor, if she was rejected at emergency room

OP did not call for ambulance when she had 3 seizures? Nor did her friends or family or whomever was with her when she had them?

OP has no insurance but is adult with she says her own place and own horses? Where does she work and why doesn’t she have insurance?

OP cannot get anyone to take her seriously at hospital, but when brain tumor is suggested (wish I’d never posted that) she ends up with surgery next day.

Surgeon doesn’t tell her that tumor is in area which may cause paralysis? And surgeon didn’t visit her, before or while she was posting, to discuss paralysis? First with upper extremities then with lower.

Surgeons have brain tumor patients up and walking same day of surgery. Or at least in a wheel chair. Yes my friend was walking down the hall with his IV line trailing, and a nurse and I steadying him.

No follow up radiation? Even non cancerous tumor removal usually requires radiation to make sure all of the tumor is zapped. And they can reoccur.

Other red flags, including the behavior of the OP in her posts post-surgery.

I think we were had.[/QUOTE]

We were absolutely had. , they wouldn’t even have found the tumor, much less had it out in 5 hours. Those are marthon surgeries.On the average 9 hours, often longer. the last thing she would even be able to think of would be a text. she would have a drain coming out of the top of her head, her head would be shaved, It will be a long long time until she’s eating applesauce.

Nice try, Wow. but Wow!! That’s not how it works!!

And anyone needing the surgery gets it. HOspitals have funds to cover emergencies like this. Plus, if you don’t have insurance, there are public insurance programs available, the hospital will help you get on board with that.

What a crock.

Don’t worry, the extra jingles went out in the universe and settled where they were most needed.

Please do jingle for the OP. Early on the thread, she was referred to a psychiatrist for help with her presenting issues. I am thinking of her and jingling that she will accessthe support she was referred to.

OP: All the best.

[QUOTE=Come Shine;8437797]
Please do jingle for the OP. Early on the thread, she was referred to a psychiatrist for help with her presenting issues. I am thinking of her and jingling that she will accessthe support she was referred to.

OP: All the best.[/QUOTE]

What makes you think anything the OP said is true? It seems like it’s a social experiment. If you look at the other threads she’s asking about riding a skinny pregnant horse, but yet in another thread asking about a dog while she’s working as a vet, if she’s a vet or studying to be one she should of known the answer, then mentioning buying a farm with enough acreage, but in this thread she said she has to sell her farm. There’s a lot of things that don’t add up in all of the posts.