9 days ..warehouse? Stateline Tack: REFUNDED!! :)

Was it KV that you were ordering through? Their parent company is the same as Stateline and they pull the same shenanigans…

No, not KV. I don’t want to say who just yet in case "it was just me"and my order come through without any further shenanigans. I wish I had stayed with Valley Vet . . .

The transaction was for $34.53. They refunded me $33.30. Considering the hours I’ve wasted messaging and emailing Stateline, waiting on hold, chasing down the UPS tracking info, then the USPS calls and emails, just to find out they never ADDRESSED THE PACKAGE WITH MY NAME OR STREET ADDRESS the least they can do is refund the actual amount of purchase. Stateline disgusts me.

I do not know what taxes are where you are…is the difference sales tax? Do they say what the $1.23 covers?

Of course not.
But I don’t understand what impact that should have. It was product and services I never received. Complete failure on their part and took up time I could be spent earning money elsewhere.

I’m all for giving businesses the benefit of the doubt but this entire experience was less organized than a bar fight.

So my sh!tshow continues…day after I wrote my post above, 2 boxes magically appear from UPS. I usually get notifications about UPS deliveries, but not these. They are both part of my order, but one of the boxes (tiny box, 8x6 maybe?, containing a packlist for 4 items, one of which is very large) contains nothing but a mini clipboard. :confused::confused::confused: Messaged via FB to request refund of the items on that packlist. TODAY, I get UPS notification for one package and email that my payment (Amazon Pay…SIGH) has been processed. Have no idea what is actually IN this package. Did I mention I hate surprises???


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I am not sure why you are so angry with me. I was just asking a question.

I in no way said it was OK that they kept your $1.23. I was simply asking if they told you why they kept it. Knowing why they kept it would make it easier to understand what is going on. Not saying you have to like it.

Yes, that’s where I’ll order it for now. My SLT order finally arrived today, about 25 days after placing the order. I guess I’m lucky, an I have 20# of Tri-Amino, so I’m set for a while.

Sorry for the continued problems, OP.

Hey Trub. Not angry with you at all. I am thoroughly frustrated with Stateline though. I’m sorry I came across as being angry with YOU.

I think my biggest frustration is that Stateline has been around forever. Never was super zippy fulfilling orders but at least cared enough to treat each transaction like any other normal business did. I feel betrayed by how they do business now, and sad to see I’m not the only one.

There is no justification for the company to keep even .02 they charged to my card. In my mind, you charge me X amount for product & services, fail on both, you refund me X. Not X minus what your billing service decides to deduct.

Update… FULL REFUND PENDING TO MY ACCOUNT! as of last night.

Customers shouldn’t have to go through such gyrations to have a fair transaction, but Stateline finally did the right thing. Full refund, apology for the “inconvenience”.