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A puppy for me?

Two years after losing my Nikki Boxer at age 12, yesterday I asked some friends who compete with their dogs to keep an eye out for a fawn female. Turns out… a breeder less than an hour away has a puppy girl. I had a good talk with the breeder and I think I passed muster, because I have an appointment next week to meet the puppy. So excited and I admit I’ve shed a few tears.

I don’t have any puppy things. What are your must-haves? I have a big crate, but I know it’s much too big for a puppy.


Yeay congrats!

Crate, appropriate toys, good quality puppy food (I usually ask what they’re currently eating and then continue or make sure I have enough to switch over to something else). I also like gates to keep them contained in the beginning.

Best wishes!


You need lots of love. But I think you’ve already got that covered!! :blush::purple_heart:


Love and patience. Congratulations!


I grew up next door to Boxers – they are sure lovable!

When we got a puppy a a couple of years ago (much smaller breed), I admit that I did some shopping at AKC to pick up a few puppy items, such as teething toys:

I also signed up for their email newsletter aimed at puppy owners, the AKC Pupdate, and considered it worthwhile (if it’s still offered):

Some crates come with an extra panel, which allows decreasing the size for a puppy, then the panel can be removed to enlarge the kennel to an adult size.

Best wishes with your soon-to-be new family member.


Boxers are the BEST! I have been owned by seven over the years… each one different from the others and each one has been perfect! What fun! Please post pics. Names you are considering?


I’m a big fan of Kuranda dog beds because my dogs love to tear fabric.

I find that so much has changed in terms of training and behavior. I don’t always know what to believe, but I think it’s important to at least know the different schools of thought on how to handle particular things so that you can decide how to move forward depending on what you want to do with the new puppy.


I have never found that “puppy things” are the same for all puppies. None of my puppies have wanted to chew things like Nylabones or Kongs or anything like that; I think I still have some because I’ve bought them with every puppy and they were a total fail. They have all liked to run around with stuffed animal toys, but it didn’t matter what they were. Maybe Boxers are more heavy duty chewers, so having something they can chew hard on is useful, but don’t buy much at first.

If you can borrow a puppy crate that would be better - you won’t need it for long.

Otherwise I like washable fleece blankets for puppies instead of crate pads. They either pee on them, spill food on them, or just generally make them stinky - so they need washing more often.

I wouldn’t buy anything else - other than a properly fitting collar and appropriate weight lead. And even that will be short lived, so if you have a friend to borrow from - do that instead! Enjoy!


I fed my puppy her kibble from a Starmark Treat Dispensing Bob-a-Lot Dog Toy (large size, not small) for ages. It offered play stimulation, slowed down her eating, and gave me time to rest!


I’ll post pictures as soon as she’d ready to come home. I’m thinking of either Kate or Kami as her name. Most of our animals have people names. Our elderly horse is named Robert!


We were so fortunate with our first boxer. She was 2 when we got her from the local shelter as a neglect case. She never did anything bad. If she seemed tempted, I could tell her “Don’t do that. It’s not nice” and she… just wouldn’t do it again. That was what the whole training process looked like. I’m hoping the new puppy won’t be on the opposite end of the spectrum! My mom has taken her dog to puppy training classes and I’m planning to do that when my puppy is old enough.


I’ve heard that one of those plush toys that have a heartbeat in them can be a huge comfort when bringing home a puppy that is leaving behind mom and littermates


Nature’s Miracle or a similar enzymatic odor neutralizer for the inevitable housebreaking accidents that will happen.

Our puppy’s breeder gave us a stuffed toy octopus that she’d rubbed on herself and the pup’s littermates, so that puppy had something cozy with familiar scents to provide a little comfort in her transition to her new home.

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Mine loved his snuggle puppy. He still carries it around like it’s his floppy brother! My daughter’s pup, OTOH, destroyed hers :smiley:

Can puppies have yak cheese? In my opinion, it’s the best to give them an outlet for chewing on something that is acceptable. Buy the largest size that is not ridiculous because it will eventually get eaten down to a small piece you’ll want to toss to avoid a choking risk.

Mine don’t like yak cheese at all (either of them). I think it’s too tough for them. They do like beef trachea and bully sticks. I prefer the tracheas, but a bully stick (in a holder so they don’t choke on the nub of it) is a guaranteed 20-30 minutes of blessed peace!

Mine likes the nylabones ok in a pinch, but there is a pink nubby “puppy chew” bone that he’s had forever and still likes that one. I’m fortunate that my current puppy isn’t a heavy chewer (if he gets a sock, he just carries it around like a trophy till we take it to be washed) but my older dog was in his heyday, and he went through so many towels and sheets (he sleeps with us and just chewed on the sheets till they were holy. He seems to be finally (at 14!) out of that stage. :stuck_out_tongue:

My puppy shopping list is getting long!

My parents have an enormous dog. Once my puppy grows a bit, I think she can use some of his hand-me-downs. But its going to take her a bit to catch up.

Congrats on your new puppy!! I can’t wait to see pictures!!

I am in the thick of puppyness with my 8 month old lab cross. Salty and Paradox upthread said it best, love and patience. I like to stick to a ridge time table for feeding, drinking, and going out to the bathroom at least until pup is 6 months (depending on the pup).

The biggest option for paper towels.

My favorite go to squeeky toy is GoDog. It was the only stuffed toy my pit/boxer would not destroy in 10 nano seconds and our lab puppy inherited. I tend to like the dragon, gator, and dino shaped ones.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BPT6QD5/ref=twister_B07J1ZGZH4?th=1 (there are various sizes, I always got the large ones)

West Paw Toppl is my go to toy to distract pup: I have one in each size so I can click two of them together and stuff and freeze one with peanut butter or yogurt:


I have two who were not so excited about yak cheese.Then I got my newest girl, who LOVES yak cheese. As soon as the first ones saw the new one enjoying it, they became super interested. Now everyone loves them. :slight_smile:

I second the Snuggle and the GoDog toys.

The latter have been survivors – the only issue with them is that they are much-loved, and get filthy. Aren’t supposed to be machine washed, but I successfully get them clean(er) by scrubbing hard with a very damp, soapy microfiber, then rinsing while scrubbing with a fresh microfiber clothe. Meanwhile trying not to soak the toy through.

If one gets too soggy, the squeaker quits, but may come back to life after the toy is totally (air) dried. They take a surprisingly long time to dry (could be a day or two). My dog wants whichever one is drying, of course, because it becomes her favorite as soon as she doesn’t have access to it.

With new GoDog toys, I cut off not only the tags, but any bitty pieces of felt-ish fabric trim. My dogs favs are the dino, dragons, and gator – which are played with constantly – while the cow and flying pig are second-tier toys good for occasional play.

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