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A Race Out West - The Journey of Jair's COTH Cap!

Its here! Its here! I’ve almost got my COTH cap BEFORE Merry and the rest of the California Clique! How’s that for service!

I have been tracking the progress of my cap which was sent to me so graciously by Everythingbutwings on Tuesday from Virginia. The cap had subsequently been to Memphis, Tennessee (“walking in Memphis!”) where it switched planes and flew all the way across the States to land in beautiful British Columbia, when it, for some strange reason, apparently went back over the border to Spokane, Washington (to say hi to Bumpkin no doubt!!) before recrossing in to Canada and into Richmond, before being carefully placed on a special armored FedEx truck for safe delivery into the heart of trendy Kitsilano, Vancouver to the house of Jair.

Sadly, I was not home to receive it yesterday morning “recipient not available” according to FedEx, but they kindly left me a card to sign indicating that I’d let them leave the precious cap on my doorstep in my absence on the redelivery attempt. Sorry COTH, I know it’s a risk having my cap left out like that, but I WANT IT NOW ! I duly signed the card and left it, excited in the knowledge that in less then 8 hours I would be wearing my cap!

The question is, will I get it before Merry and the others? Could I, a mere Canadian, receive my coveted COTH cap BEFORE the Californians? After all, I know that the cap is already in Vancouver, in fact, it could already be waiting for me in my mailbox as I type!

Odds anyone?

Who will get it first? Jair, or the Californians?

My COTH thong bikini came in the mail today! Leopard print with a “B” on each ummmm…

At which event shall I christen my new threads?

Perhaps my next lesson!

I still got mine before you though Heidi I just never saw it!

~Prince Jair, owned by Lovely Alice

I haf heard from some of der horses vat humans already are hafing the caps of der beauty of them.

Jair, you vill be bringing me my cap tonight, ya?

Yes, and we’re coming armed with a harvest of rotten navel oranges to fling at anyone caught sporting a COTH cap!


DMK DID NOT GET HER HAT!!! This may cause her to explode in a childish display of “bithiness” as her dear friend Jair would say. Although let’s face it, if Jair were any kind of friend at all, he would have sent his hat straight to DMK after ETBW had sent it to him.

Now let’s see, Firstcry… if I were to write that note to the post office, how should I send it? Via first class mail? You see my problem, I trust?

You’d better guard that cap! Beware, those Californians may snatch it right off of your front porch while you are at work

But there’s only one queen seated before her PC, with a lovely cap arranged just so atop her head, isn’t there?

Hans took the digital camera to the office but shall instruct him to bring it home so that I may post a picture tonight – if only to taunt Merry and Beezer with pics of my capped glory.

Thank you Wingsy! Reciprocal package off to you this week darling.

Actually, I’ve been rather busy with my J-O-B! I went to Rolex for 2.5 work days, then was crazy in the office for 2.5 days, then was off to Nashville for a meeting I had to manage for 2 days. This week has been zany too, which found me on a video shoot all day yesterday and meeting with a potential new vendor for a big chunk of Tuesday afternoon. Tomorrow I leave for my hometown for my niece’s birthday (she’s 1 today) and Mother’s Day. So much to try to squeeze into a month!

I’m home the next weekend then back to Lexington for a horse show with Willow, from which she will depart for Toronto and her “union” with A Fine Romance.

I am floating in the pool the entire month of June, I promise!


p.s. to Jair!

Dang! Good thing I was out at the Center at a show this weekend. If I’d been at the barn, who knows what might have become of my precious COTH cap when SGray got hold of it!

I personally would not trust the postman, for this important adventure.

I would jump on my trusty steed and hand deliver the above mentioned “note” to the post office. You may also want to make a point to the mailman, that your means of transportation was faster than their vehicles

I thought that the “B” was what was missing on a thong

How do I get one?

Oh, you think so eh Alice? Sorry frauline! The cap is mine!

Hey Robby - have you ever seen that Bernadette Peters production Song & Dance? You made me think of some of the lyrics:

“Like a soggy crumpet, floating around in the pool all day long”.

Is that what you’re planning on?

~Prince Jair, owned by Lovely Alice

You’re such a bith DMK Whine, whine, whine, that’s all you do. Give me one reason why I should’ve sent you my lovely COTH cap which I wore all weekend

Still capless in Georgia! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

~Prince Jair, owned by Lovely Alice

Its here! Its here! I’ve almost got my COTH cap BEFORE Merry and the rest of the California Clique! How’s that for service!

I have been tracking the progress of my cap which was sent to me so graciously by Everythingbutwings on Tuesday from Virginia. The cap had subsequently been to Memphis, Tennessee (“walking in Memphis!”) where it switched planes and flew all the way across the States to land in beautiful British Columbia, when it, for some strange reason, apparently went back over the border to Spokane, Washington (to say hi to Bumpkin no doubt!!) before recrossing in to Canada and into Richmond, before being carefully placed on a special armored FedEx truck for safe delivery into the heart of trendy Kitsilano, Vancouver to the house of Jair.

Sadly, I was not home to receive it yesterday morning “recipient not available” according to FedEx, but they kindly left me a card to sign indicating that I’d let them leave the precious cap on my doorstep in my absence on the redelivery attempt. Sorry COTH, I know it’s a risk having my cap left out like that, but I WANT IT NOW ! I duly signed the card and left it, excited in the knowledge that in less then 8 hours I would be wearing my cap!

The question is, will I get it before Merry and the others? Could I, a mere Canadian, receive my coveted COTH cap BEFORE the Californians? After all, I know that the cap is already in Vancouver, in fact, it could already be waiting for me in my mailbox as I type!

Odds anyone?

Who will get it first? Jair, or the Californians?

I’m booking a flight right now to Vancouver…if I leave for the airport right now and fly up north, I may make it in time to intercept the hat! Now I just need to get ETBW to give me his address… Hmmmmmm…Merry, how about joining me on this adventure, and we’ll try to tempt Lovely Alice to come back to Cali with us!!!

Beezer, Royal Princess to Queen Merry, and as such her official Secretary of War…

Hereby proclaims that a full-scale assault on Canada shall be launched!!


OMG Jair, you have GOT to be kidding!!! I lived in Kitsilano until, like, 2 weeks ago!!! My friend’s parents have an apartment there and they left last August to travel around Europe, so my friend and I and two others stayed there. It’s close enough to the UBC and I absolutely love the area

I miss it already, the cafes, the whole atmosphere. University is over and the parents have reclaimed their little abode, ever so politely kicking us out

This is so weird. It is such a small world we live in eh? We could’ve easily passed eachother on the streets, totally unaware. I was pretty hard to miss around March though, if you saw a youngish blond girl being dragged by a huge, scary looking Doberman along the sidewalks (my sister’s - I had to walk the beast twice a day for a week) that would be me.

first thing I’d have done is take it to monogrammer to get “NOT” put in front of the “Portia”

well, Portia eluded me this weekend but she’ll be sweatin’ it if my cap doesn’t get here soon

of course, if I march on Virginia with the Cal. group…